Got Challenges? See Opportunities!

opportunity The Angels – Challenges will always be part of life, but you will always have the opportunity to see them as opportunities. By their very nature, challenges are situations that you don’t know how, or if, you can handle. When you see something as a challenge, your personality is not certain it is up for the task!

When you face a challenge, “who you think you are” feels limited. “Who you really are” has no bounds or limits whatsoever.

In each challenge, you have the opportunity to embrace more deeply, “who you really are.” Continue reading

Trusting What Shows Up in Your Life

lifeMary O’Malley – What would it be like if you truly trusted your life – the state of your health, your emotions, your mate, your boss, your best friend – in other words, trusted exactly what is happening? Rather than arguing with life, you show up for it, knowing that it is for you.

What do I mean by that? When you first arrived on this planet, you were a wide-open field of energy. Life flowed through you like the clouds in the sky. Then, over time, you absorbed conditioning from your parents, siblings, teachers, next door neighbors, television and religious authorities. Continue reading

Getting Real

energyJames Gilliland – I have observed some beyond realistic behavior on a grand scale unfolding on every level. If we are going to survive the days to come we are going to have to get back to basics. We are also going to have to do our own research and develop our own inner sensitivity or what some bluntly refer to as BS meter.

Our last administration did bring transparency. What was transparent is the corruption and double talk; which has been epidemic. The BS meter was and still is in the red. Humanity is waking up and what the controllers did not count on is the soul awakening and the Internet both of which are instrumental in their demise.

The Fake news or lame stream media owned by the corporations; just several men gave rise to alternative media because of its failure to tell the truth. The double speak is to accuse the alternative media of being the fake news. Almost everything coming out of the past administration was double talk. All the accusations of others defined exactly what they have been and are now doing.

The sad thing is a large portion of the masses is gullible and be lie ve the propaganda delivered daily by the lame stream media. They are being led like lemmings to participate in their own enslavement and eventual demise. They are rioting and marching to a tune played by the very people whose behavior they detest. It’s like a bad marriage where one mate refuses to accept the obvious. It is getting so ugly denial is not an option.

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Each one is aligned with a different frequency of light

Photo by Marina

Gillian MacBeth Louthan – As we move our awareness fully into this dimensional shift we come to a Crossroads in which we stand facing all directions simultaneously. In this place we are asked to enter into the fullness of our self, our soul and our mission. Each one of us is aligned with a different frequency of light, a different star system, a different flavor of life. All together we form a unit of living God.  Even though this unit often disagrees with itself about itself, it houses the opportunity to become a common denominator in a fractured aspect of all that seeks to heal itself at the core point of light.

These incoming cosmic bursts will take you out of your comfort zone, making you look at all categories and genres, that you never thought you would address. They will bring forth deep cellular memories that seek the light of day. Humans waste so much time being afraid and mad at everything and everyone around them. Pointing fingers at parents, presidents, and past lives, not taking responsibility for any of their creations.

The Ennead ‘Council of 9” was birthed on the 999 last year, a Council of Nine ‘little and big G gods’. Like a godly wind chime a clarion trumpet sounded silently lifting earth out of an upcoming pitfall that was dark, and risky. The Ennead bring Sparks of Truth on a Trail of Starlight. There are very few pure bloods left in the Heavenly Kingdom except for those that stand close to the Source. Messages from deep space abound planet Earth, opening the eyes of even those in a deep sleep.

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11:11: 2016 – ‘The Lifting’

doorwayGillian MacBeth Louthan – The 11:11 doorway will issue a time out, not for bad behavior but for examination of the new patterns of light. Like a spider’s web, messages are hidden sculpted in sacred geometries and codes.  What is sacred seeks an outlet a place of shelter. As we move past the previous markers of this years limitations, we begin to dimensionally float like an island in a gust of hurricane force wind. Everything floats like ivory soap causing all of us to feel a little nauseous like altitude sickness and seasickness wrapped in one big burrito.

We truly have become almost Island like, moving ever so slightly with the changing dimensional tides, no longer attached to any outcomes. Everything tries to right itself like an upside down cake. The winds of change are dominant and push us in  directions we would not choose on our own. Like a multi colored autumn leaf, we allow that ‘which is’, to buffer our shift. We are quickly learning Dimensional riff is not a place for sissies.

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