Riding the Wave into 2017

waveSteve RotherWith your game well in progress, we join you this day to share more about a wave of energy coming in. It is actually more than one wave but you have so many energetics arriving from different parts of the universe. We find it fascinating that recently you have discovered another Earth-like planet in the star nearest you, right in the Goldilocks Zone. It is perfect for supporting life and almost about the same size as your Earth.

Exploring the night sky and looking for all this information, people are actually looking for a new place for humans to go and you will, trust us. At some point you will also go to Mars, which is one of the new pieces. We tell you, that you will find your own footsteps in some way as you have been there before.

Mars used to have life, a thriving life, and you were there. That is why we find it so fascinating when you come up with these ideas about Martians with the two little antennae coming out of the head and always green for some reason. We find it wonderful!

Multiple Perspectives on Your Life

The energetics you have experienced on planet Earth, especially during this current year, have felt on the edge for quite some time now. This has been somewhat of a challenge, because it resets a lot of energies and that is exactly what this is.

As you move to higher vibrations, all of those things that you have set up for yourself and done—whether it is a belief system, family or relationship—all of them have to withstand the scrutiny of a higher vibration.

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Angel Messages For Aug. 29 – Sept. 4, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – This week, if you’ll express yourself creatively with your authentic ideas and feelings, you’ll find yourself on the fast path of success. Your creativity could be an art form, or a business idea which will help others.


Allow your Inner Child and your unique quirkiness to shine brightly, and you’ll attract amazing opportunities. Be true to yourself and you’ll enjoy a wonderful week.

From the Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards at: http://bit.ly/GabrielCard

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Aug 2016

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Angel Messages For August 8 – 14, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – As the week begins with the Angel Number date of 8-8, this will be a week of powerful opportunity for you. Blocks are being lifted, and blessings are being showered upon you.

New partnership is also in the cards for you this week. The key is to stay away from resentments, and keep focused upon love and positive energy.


This week’s video includes a meditation for increasing your flow of support and abundance.

From the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Cards at http://bit.ly/DailyGuidanceCards

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Aug 2016

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, July 29, 2016

opportunityThird Quarter Moon in Gemini: revise, realign

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will):  Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  bring love to life

True Alignments: enlisting support, sharp intellect and discernment, finding meaning, opening lines of communication, keeping it real, creating something real, passionate about something, stirred to action

Catalysts for Change: naïve, communication issues, forms of Stockholm Syndrome and mind control, unable to be satisfied, superficial, regret, refusing less than perfection, inequality, unsupportive, inflexible

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a very old man facing a dark space to the northeast” (facing)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending)

Ready for a personal revolution and rebirth in consciousness?

Today’s energetics certainly get things fired up.  The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a Communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideas,” and Mercury swimmingly discharges “a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form.”

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You’re in the right place

uniqueThe Angels – There is no need to be afraid for the world. There is no need to be afraid because the planets are aligned in a difficult configuration. There is no need to be afraid if your loved ones are not in the state you wish them to be.

In truth all upon the planet Earth, including you, are exactly where you need to be for your lessons at this time. Each one has a unique “curriculum,” unique lessons, and unique circumstances in which you have chosen to grow. Always and forevermore, you and everyone else on the planet is exactly where they are supposed to be. All of life is conspiring to help you remember you connection to love.

You ask us frequently, “How can difficult circumstances help me remember my connection to love?! I don’t feel loved when I don’t know how to pay the bills, when my spouse cheated on me, when I have an illness! How is this trying to help me remember love?” Dear ones, those are exactly the right questions to ask.

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