Jill Mattson ~ The Role The Catholic Church Played In The Suppression Of Musical Theory.

Richard Merrick ~ Click picture to visit site

Surprisingly, many people ask me about the role the Catholic church played in the suppression of musical theory. I recently found the site of Richard Merrick which I found to be fabulous! He has an understandable theory and history of this musical suppression. So I will give you a link to his site and summarize his writings here!

Richard Merrick’s Interference Theory

This is a quote from Richard Merrick!

“As my belief in Western science began to falter, I asked myself how simple harmonic information could be so completely absent from general public awareness. Why is this not common knowledge? Why is this not part of science, music, history and our entire educational system? Why would it not at least rate as a ‘fun fact’ in a sidebar in Popular Science or on an anatomy poster at the doctor’s office? And above all, why would the Church not want people to know all about it? After all, it could be taken as proof of a sacred ordering principle in nature, inferring the existence of a cosmic intelligence (call it what you will). Continue reading