Israel Denies Water to Palestinian West Bank Areas

waterStephen Lendman – Israeli viciousness knows no limits, cutting off water to tens of thousands of Palestinians the latest example.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah issued a statement, accusing Israel of “waging a water war against the Palestinians.”

Netanyahu-led extremists want them “prevent(ed) from leading a dignified life and uses its control over our water resources to this end.”

“While illegal Israeli settlements enjoy uninterrupted water service, Palestinians are forced to spend great sums of money to buy water that is theirs in the first place” – stolen from them, then sold back at unaffordable prices.

Main water supplier Mekorot suspended supplies to Jenin, Salfit, Nablus area villages and elsewhere.

Israelis have virtual unlimited fresh water access, the West Bank average for Palestinians around 65-70 liters daily – well below the WHO 100-liter minimum needed for drinking, proper sanitation and hygiene.

According to Palestinian Hydrology Group executive director Ayman Rabi, some West Bank areas had no access to “water for more than 40 days.”

“People are relying on purchasing water from water trucks or finding it from alternative sources such as springs and other filling points in their vicinity” – some families forced “to live on two, three or 10 liters per capita per day,” inadequate to get by on longer term.

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Jill Stein v. Bernie Sanders

israel Stephen Lendman – Differences between them are stark – Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein a true populist, Sanders one in name only.

His business as usual voting record belies his call for revolutionary change – favoring old wine in new bottles, grand deception, longstanding Sanders practice.

He’s a con man, part of the dirty system like all other duopoly power candidates. Otherwise he wouldn’t be major party presidential material.

They all march to the same drummer, campaign promises made to be broken. The trouble with Sanders is he’s like all the rest, a walking talking conflict of interest.

His sole redeeming quality is he’s no Hillary Clinton, the most recklessly dangerous US presidential aspirant in memory. Don’t let her gender fool you.

Sanders’ support for Israel’s killing machine is especially troubling. He backed its premeditated summer 2014 naked aggression on Gaza – based on Big Lies.

During an August 2014 town hall meeting, he shamelessly defended its genocidal slaughter, telling a Palestinian supporter to “shut up.”

He blames Hamas for Israeli high crimes. He voted for Senate legislation, calling on the UN to rescind the Goldstone report – exposing Israel’s December 2008-January 2009 naked aggression on Gaza.

He opposes Palestinian statehood based on pre-June 1967 borders – 22% of historic Palestine.

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International Zionism is a Secret Society

David Icke – I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … Rothschild Zionism. I add the ‘Rothschild’ to constantly emphasise the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day (seeHuman Race Get Off Your Knees). Continue reading

Israeli Soldiers Break The Silence On Gaza War

israeliStephen Lendman – “Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.”

They recount disturbing experiences Israel wants suppressed – horrific crimes of war and against humanity including mass murdering civilians “excused as military necessities, or explained as extreme and unique cases.”

Truth is polar opposite. Israel operates lawlessly. Killing, persecuting, ill-treating or otherwise harming Palestinians is longstanding practice.

No Israeli commander or government official was ever prosecuted for horrific high crimes demanding accountability.

Make no mistake. Israel’s 2014 Operation Protective Edge was well-planned premeditated naked aggression against 1.8 million largely defenseless Palestinians trapped under lawless siege.

For Israel’s powerful military, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. It was cold-blooded mass murder and destruction – mostly harming noncombatant men, women, children, infants and the elderly.


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