The Only Language Israel Understands

IsraelBullyCartoonIsraeli atrocity and imposed misery continues unchecked in Gaza. This summer’s wholesale slaughter did nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians. In Gaza, its much worse.

As explored in last week’s Press TV article, an examination of the list of crimes committed against the Gaza population, just since the advent of this New Year, shows clearly six obvious conclusions. 1) Horrific Israeli aggression against Gazans continues daily, 2) Israel has no intention of honoring the terms of the August, 2014 cease-fire agreement, 3) at the peace table, neither Israel, Egypt, nor the Palestinian Authority, is actually pursuing peace for Gaza, 4) politicians across the globe continue to submit to Israeli pressure, not to their conscience, 5) Gazans are, this moment, suffering terribly and, 6) the world, this world, comprised of something better: a sense of justice, a sense of right and wrong, one with actual morals, guts and true courage, has had enough of Israel’s excuses for embracing and promoting pure evil.

All these details lead ultimately to the two most important conclusions; by necessity Hamas is back; stronger than ever and, because all these first six have been deliberately and maliciously perpetrated by Israel: there will be war, again, in Gaza!

A bully such as Israel, filled only with the artificial bluster of unjustified, free stocks of US weapons and unfettered US support, understands only one message, a bare knuckled punch to the head, shocking the bully to his own single, shocking awakening: his opponent is now willing to fight back!

The bully, once defeated, rarely comes back for more. Continue reading

Condemn Islamic Terror And Shield Zionist Atrocities

“Well, there you have it. Those radical Palestinian elements are dedicated terrorists, while the Saudi’s benefactor funds their barbaric wahhabi client fanatics, who miraculously never have a map to locate Israel.” – Sartre

PalestineIsraelTwoFacesSurviving in a world of offensive double standards comes easy for people who lost their moral compass. Most culturally deficient pawns have such limited intellectual capacities and ethical fortitude to apply the same critical standards to zealots, who practice and defend barbarism no matter where it is committed. The narration that masquerades as objective news reporting out of the mass media, acts as a gatekeeper to provide political cover for Zionist protection. If the eternal struggle between Muslims and Jews was the supreme existential conflict, why would Christians take sides, when the purported feud between cousins, drips blood no matter whose hand holds the sword?

Oh how dare equivocate between both pseudo religious cultures, when both are engulfed in political warfare as their primary tenant. If moral principle was the essence of either society, this obscene charade of state sponsored terrorism would be exposed for what it really represents. Now before the do-gooder Christians bask in their own moral superiority, your own secular humanism surrender does not bode well for your final judgment.

The point is that unholy religious and politically inspired violence against a perceived enemy to achieve an atmosphere of panic is simply wrong. When government special operations, globalist intelligence interests and elite NWO sociopaths plan, fund, recruit, direct and cover-up false flag attacks, designed to complete a global despotism; all citizens of exploited countries lose their rights and become duped into thinking insecurity stems from radical psychopaths. The collective mental health of most societies is in a crisis of terminal proportions.

Ponder the linkage of France’s lower house of parliament votes 339 to 151 in favor of symbolic motion to recognize statehood of Palestine and Netanyahu’s Chilling Threat To France Prior To The Charlie Hebdo Tragedy. Surely, a coincidence in what is widely seen as consistent with a pattern of a sponsored Mossad scenario, the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris has the world primed for even more draconian measures that in fact, extinguishes genuine security. Continue reading

Banning Dissent In The Name Of Civility

“The code word that the Israel lobby and its facilitators at universities use to silence critics is “civility.” Israel supporters are permitted to spout hate and calls for indiscriminate violence against Palestinians. Critics of Israel, however, even if they are careful to denounce violence and not to demonize Jews, are banned in the name of “civility.” It is the height of academic duplicity.” – C Hedges

I had been invited to talk next April 3 at the University of Pennsylvania at a peace conference sponsored by the International Affairs Association, but last week after Truthdig published my column “ISIS—the New Israel” the lecture agency that set up the event received this email from Zachary Michael Belnavis, who is part of the student group:

We’re sorry to inform you that we don’t think that Chris Hedges would be a suitable fit for our upcoming peace conference. We’re saying this in light of a recent article he’s written in which he compares the organization ISIS to Israel (here’s the article in question). In light of this comparison we don’t believe he would be suitable to a co-existence speaker based on this stance he’s taken.

Being banned from speaking about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, especially at universities, is familiar to anyone who attempts to challenge the narrative of the Israel lobby. This is not the first time one of my speaking offers has been revoked and it will not be the last. However, the charge of Belnavis and the International Affairs Association that I do not believe in coexistence between the Palestinians and Israel is false. I oppose violence by either party. I have condemned Hamas rocket attacks as war crimes. And I support Israel’s right to exist within the pre-1967 borders. The charge that I oppose coexistence cannot be substantiated by anything I have said or written. And those of us who call on Israel to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders are, after all, only demanding what is required by international law and numerous U.N. resolutions. Continue reading