Weather Channel Helping To Hide The Geo-engineering Assault

Geoengineering Watch | December 5 2012

The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows

“Heavy wet snow”In the last two plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.

About two or three years ago the first “reality shows” started showing up on the TWC. Perhaps this does not seem like a big deal to some, but for those of us that are weather enthusiasts, when we want the weather, we want the weather. I did not subscribe to “The Weather Channel/Reality Show Channel”, but it seems we no longer have a choice.

So Why Would Weather Channel Radically Reduce Weather Coverage?

All main stream media is in the hands of the global media empire, this includes The Weather Channel. The very same players that run the corporate/ military/ industrial/ geoengineering complex, run the mainstream media.

The first step toward hiding the “elephant in the room” is to simply stop covering it. As the ongoing global geoengineering programs continue to decimate our planet, climate, and weather, there is less and less weather reporting on a channel whose very name would indicate otherwise. Weather Channel now does an actual segment on weather only about every third or fourth hour. The rest of their air time is now filled with an ever longer list of “reality shows”. The lack of actual weather coverage has become so frustrating for many, including myself, that I now often don’t even bother to look. Perhaps that is their goal.

How Is The Weather Channel Spinning The Weather They Actually Report?  (Between All the Reality Shows)

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