Reconnecting With The Spirit Of Money


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consciousnessIt has come to my attention time and time again that lightworkers or people who are on their soul journey seem to be poor. They seem to have a lot of problems attracting money into their lives.

Obviously it’s not everybody who is like this but it has been quite a strong pattern among healers, psychics, and even ascension workers. I’m not going to go into why this is, because basically, that’s not important. However, I do want to point out that you will have to work through your own personal blocks that are creating this particular problem in your life and the exercise that we are going to do later is going to allow you to identify what your particular problem is and fix it, heal it. After you learn this exercise you really need to do it once or twice a day, preferably after you’ve done your meditation

The most important thing about money that you need to understand is that it’s an energy being, it’s alive.

Think of it like an Elemental, a very powerful, very important Elemental.

I would go on to say that it’s probably the most important Elemental in your life today. That’s because of the nature of the world we’re living in. Especially if you’re living in a Western country, where you need to have money to survive.

Money allows you to do the most basic things, such as drinking fresh water, having somewhere to live, having clothes on your body, being able to express yourself creatively. Eating every day. The most basic things in life come through with your exchange of money, therefore it is extremely important.

Another aspect of money I would like you to understand is that money is not evil. Some people will use money in a negative way, but money itself has nothing negative about it. Once you identify and you contact the energy of money, you’ll see it for yourself. There is absolutely nothing negative about money. It’s all-inclusive, it’s creative, it’s nurturing. It’s warm, it’s beautiful. And I want you to be able to experience this.

For this exercise you’re going to need some money to hold. Notes are better than coins but if you don’t have any at the moment, the coin will do. But next time, try to have a note, and the bigger the note the better.

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