There Is Nothing To Worry About

Jafree Ozwald | September 4 2012

“Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from from inner peace and mental calm for its sake.” ~ Paul Brunton

There is nothing to worry about. Let yourself really feel this message. Let it sink deeply into your bones and reside inside your heart. You are always being provided for and taken care of by the God Source. There is a divine power running the bigger show. Behind the scenes it is always there making sure that you receive exactly what is needed, so that your fullest potentiality comes through. The Universe is pure intelligent energy in form. It makes sure that everything unnecessary in your life will not happen. The events, people and situations that must manifest in your future are all part of your “divine schedule”. Nothing is by accident or coincidence because God simply doesn’t make mistakes. Your job is to relax, be grateful for every lesson you’re given, and enjoy the journey as much as you possibly can to the very end.

Whenever we worry we are not trusting in life, ourselves or God. We stop believing that there is a highly intelligent all loving conscious force that is here now, leading us deeper into our very being and higher into our greatest ecstasy. Worrying is the warning light that goes on when your mind has taken control over you. You suddenly start to believe every little thing the mind tells you! You start believing that you are a small inferior limited being with horrible karma, untrustworthy insights, no real direction and very little power. You forget that you are an unlimited soul who is intimately connected to an all powerful deeply intelligent God Source that loves you all the time. When you stop and get curious about the God Source, and begin to deply honor this connection, you’ll stop worrying and start trusting. You’ll begin to understand that there is a bigger source of “you” that lives within you and all around you and it the force that’s truly in charge of it all.

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How To Overcome Fear And Make Decisions

Jafree Ozwald | April 28 2012

“Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm for its sake.” ~ Paul Brunton


If there’s one thing in life that we are all scared of… it’s fear. Yet is fear really something we need to run away from like a coward and avoid? What would happen if we opened up, embraced fear and gave fear a big cozy hug! It probably needs one by now, don’t you think? The moment you turn inside and embrace whatever you’re afraid of, something magical happens. You find the willingness to make anything happen! When you can move into fear, through fear, and out the other side, then become fearless. Fear becomes as frightening as a shadow, an imaginary obstacle blocking the light of your own radiant being.

The truth is that all fear is illusory. F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real. Your fears in life are simply negative thought about your future wrapped up with contracted body sensations. Fear is a mental fabrication created by emotional needs that haven’t been met. When you know yourself as the source of love itself, then fear doesn’t stand a chance in your life. When fear rises it becomes something you get to deal with. I say “get to” because you see these feelings as opportunities to push you deeper inside, into the source of love. Fear forces you to feel what’s at the innermost core of your being. This is the only place in the Universe where you’ll find true everlasting love, peace, safety, security and the highest spiritual growth you could possibly ask for. Everywhere else you look you’ll find life to be quite illusory and always changing on you.

It’s good to know that fear is the hidden key to one of the greatest mysteries of life. This is the mystery of mastering your existence. Once you’ve discovered how to overcome fear, you know what real trust and faith is. This deeper level of trust is what gives you complete mastery over your life. Embracing fear requires that you step into your power and rediscover that deeper connection to the source of trust, love and sweet gratitude you have inside. Letting in the fear is the one thing we all need to push us deeper inside, past our comfort zones, so we uncover the spiritual being living within us. It’s exactly what we need to transcend the limiting human condition we are all facing.

Once you start embracing fear you’ll know how to make decisions. Making the right decision in life takes being willing to make the wrong decision. It requires that you are truly fearless and willing to be wrong about anything, so that life becomes a massive cosmic learning adventure! If you want to be confident about every decision you make, simply step back and see your life from the grand scope of things. On a soul level, there truly is no such thing as a “wrong” decision. It just might take you a little bit longer to reach your final destination if you choose left instead of right. When you remember that you’re an eternal being on an infinite journey through life, it doesn’t matter. You won’t break a sweat on the small stuff because you’ll realize it’s all small stuff. When all decisions come from this fearless place that knows you’re on an infinite journey, you will ultimately initiate choices that only result in playful positive enjoyable outcomes.

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