The “dependent victim” psy-op

“American and British feminism has amazingly collapsed backward again into whining, narcissistic victimology…Too many of today’s young feminists seem to want hovering, paternalistic authority figures to protect and soothe them, an attitude I regard as servile, reactionary and glaringly bourgeois…”  – Camille Paglia, the National Catholic Review, 2/25/15

peopleJon Rappoport – I could have titled this piece: “What government fears: the black entrepreneur.”

But the situation is much wider than that—-

Any person who comes out of an “officially designated victim-group”…and then succeeds in life on his own…and then goes one step further and refuses to identify his entire existence with his group…but instead stands as a unique individual…why, that person, at the very least, must be a criminal, if not a terrorist, right?

That’s the crux of the issue: never leave your group.

That’s how society, civilization, and culture are promoted these days.

“Groups have needs, agendas, and problems, and the solution will come from government.” That’s the all-embracing formula.

The fake appearance is: victim groups are fighting for recognition and special status, and the government is pushing back—but that’s now a ruse. That’s a cover story. In fact, victim groups and government have the same goal: a relationship based on dependence. One side depends and the other side gives and protects. Continue reading

The World is Waking Up and it’s Magic to Watch

Phillip J. WattpeopleIt’s inspiring to witness many of the earth’s people, especially in the Western world, becoming aware of the deep corruption in our social system, particularly because society is building its innate capacity to actually do something about it.

More and more people now understand that we are ruled via a corporatocracy where the money supply, banking, governmental policy and other vital public infrastructure has been hijacked by the oligarchs and the corporate elite. In addition, public discourse and the official narratives are dictated by the corporate media who are owned by the same people who control macro public policy via their political puppets, as well as the unprecedented wealth they have at their disposal.

Their ultimate agenda is of course ultimate power, which is dressed up in a pretty dress of “let’s save the planet!”. Of course the degradation of our natural systems needs a fresh approach, yet their covert game to win a planetary control-system has been brilliantly exposed for the world to see.

In stride, the people are fighting back in both explicit and subtle ways. Some examples include:

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Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

peopleZen Gardner – These are very exciting times as well as extremely challenging ones. Changes continue to accelerate on personal as well as external fronts, and will continue to do so.  This veil lifting meme has come on strong. It’s in our collective consciousness. It’s the awakening morphing as we said it would and will continue to do.

On the external front, the BREXIT issue is very indicative of the growing effects of recent events, even if it’s engineered to try and bring on a new globalist plan. The point is people are getting a sense of empowerment and involvement. When these openings arise they lead to more awakenings of the spirit as related issues come to light.

I see and feel it here in Spain, as there are a lot of Brits here and they’re talking about it quite a bit and recalculating many things as a result, as are all other nationalities here in Europe. It affects trade, freedom of movement and places of residence the most immediately.

People are already on the defensive with the monetary manipulations and the underlying issue of disappearlng national cultures with the migration agenda in full swing, so the cumulative effect of these issues is precipitating new viewpoints and understandings about what’s going on.

Populations are also being battered about by these escalating false flags and ginned up fear with the resulting militarization of their otherwise peaceful nations. They’re seeing through all this more and more. That’s pretty powerful. It’s all backfiring as they get more and more desperate to gain control, and people aren’t buying into it nearly as much.

The Break Though Is Under Way – And It’s Very Personal

The truth is bubbling through this lifting veil and changing the playing field in more ways than we can even clearly identify. It’s a shift – ultimately in consciousness that is affecting the entire planet and everything and everyone in and on it.

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Energy Update: The Dance Between Light & Dark

peopleLee Harris – One of the big themes that has been coming up for people over the past week or two — and this has been highlighted by world events and our focus on them — is the dance between light and dark. In the last few years, it feels that this has been one of our themes on Earth — this rising of consciousness, and (in tandem with that) a rising of fear.

Fear vs. love.

Fear has been very strong and very reactive recently. And what this tends to do is bring up conflict energy between people. It can bring up crackles of energy where arguments fire off or misunderstandings happen because our levels of anxiety are a lot higher. When we go into an anxious state, we tend to separate more. We pull more into ourselves, into our own story, into our own stuff. Or, we use that anxiety to ping pong off of and react to other people.

The Acceptance That Leads To Peace

One of the things you can do and focus on during this time is to recognize if you haven’t yet accepted that there is dark and light on the planet in equal measure. This is a good time to get in contact with that because it’s not going to go away. The energies we’re seeing now are going to continue for quite a few years in terms of how tumultuous things are on Earth.

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The Popular Myth of Democracy in America

peopleStephen Lendman – No nation in world history promised more and delivered less to its citizens and people worldwide. None more greatly threatens world peace – putting humanity’s survival up for grabs like never before.

None did more harm to more people globally over a longer duration. None matches the menace it represents – a presstitute media supported fascist gangster state willing to risk destroying planet earth to own it, run by a bipartisan criminal class.

From inception, America was always run by the people who own it, as first Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay explained.

John Adams believed power belonged exclusively to the rich, well-born and able. Today it’s about monied interests in charge – deciding who holds all top positions in government, elected and appointed.

People have no say whatever. Ignore electoral politics, intended solely to deceive – manipulating people to believe new bums are more worthy than current ones.

Voting is a waste of time, accomplishing nothing. Duopoly power rules.

America is a one-party state with two wings, indistinguishable from each other on issues mattering most – militantly pro-war, pro-business, anti-populist no matter what names and faces hold top positions.

Police state laws enforced by powerful security forces at the federal, state and local levels assure wealth and privilege interests are exclusively served at the expense of public welfare.

Elections are farcical, exercises in theater, not democracy. Candidates for the nation’s top offices are cardboard cutouts of each other, distinguishable only by their disingenuous rhetoric – promises made, forgotten and broken once in office.

The public interest be damned. People are used, not served, deceived to believe politicians represent them. Continue reading