The Way To The Life You Desire

by Veronica | Inner Whispers
November 4 2011

god“Awake each day with thankfulness for being in the physical. It is often wrought with challenges, but the rewards outweigh those challenges significantly.

When seeking balance one often ignores the little day to day significant gifts that are bestowed upon us from spiritual realms. Paying attention to those moments are what drives the physical experience. It is important to be of gratitude for the opportunities that your energy is creating.

Begin your day aware of these opportunities. Decide to be of gratitude for their appearance in your life.

By being of positive perspective, these moments may create more abundance until the day is quite overwhelming with its positive energy.

You can create a solid experience full of joy if you are willing to be thankful for the smaller things.

Be of cheer that all small moments have the probability of growing into larger one.

Dig deep into your life to find those moments of gratitude. Do not expect immediate changes to your process. If you are in a negative moment, it took you a while to get there. It will take a moment to change directions.

Dwelling in the negative will only create more.

Decide to be thankful for what you have. It will lead you down the path of clarity. It is possible.

Be full of gratitude.

It is the way to the life you desire.”