Personality Types Which Are Changing The World

Personality Types Which Are Changing The WorldConscious Reminder – Nine distinct personality types make humanity very special, not only in their interactions with each other, but within themselves.

Synchronicity ties them all together in a beautiful system that makes everything work.

No human being is ever represented by just one of these personality types, but rather a mixture of several. And while the western mindset focuses on happy moments as the ideal, it is unaware that each piece of the puzzle, each with its flaws, is integral in the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Everything is shifting and changing so quickly and each of these segments is playing a critical role in human consciousness.

The 9 Personality Types Which Are Changing The World

Here are the 9 most important personality types which are changing the world. Find out which of these personality types you are. Continue reading

Introverts Are The Most Highly Evolved Personality Type, According To Research

inner energy reservesMystical Raven – Are you an introvert? Good news: You’re apparently the most highly evolved personality type, according to research.

Yes, seriously. When renown psychiatrist Carl Jung first described the terms introversion and extroversion, he noted the introvert personality as being more mystical and spiritual than its extrovert counterpart. And now, research points to the former as being more evolved. Read on below for more details.

Do you identify as an introvert or an extrovert? Continue reading