10-Point Model For A Mental Health System That Works

NaturalNews | December 19 2012

HealthThe mental health system in America is an embarrassing failure. Here is an outline of principles upon which a new one might be based. Did I miss anything? Add your ideas and constructive criticism in the comments, please.

1. Regulated by the people, not government

Who determined that government was an effective regulator of mental health? It was a triad of sorts, a collusion of pharmaceutical giants, the American Psychiatric Association and the FDA.

The entire process is documented in the history of psychiatry by well-known psychiatric reformer Peter Breggin, MD and other concerned activist organizations.

The point here is, government “regulation” has wreaked havoc on the nation’s mental health, sponsoring the mass drugging of American citizens (including children), psych-ward torture chambers in which innocent people’s brains have been shocked into oblivion, erasing decades of memory on some occasions.

Of course, incarceration in a mental hospital leaves some hapless victims open to kidnapping and Mafioso style medical experiments. No one can advocate for these lost souls and the government has been known to take advantage of that.

People – real, caring people – need to regulate mental health in America; people who want to make a career out of helping others and can use their resources and connections to find a way to do so. This would most likely take place on a small scale, through local organizations. Read more under point #10.

2. Decisions by people, not accountants

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