Parallel-Universe Therapy

JonRappoport  January 5 2014

parallelEarthsOne of the best questions a person asks himself is, “What if…?”

People do ask themselves that question all the time, but they rarely take it seriously.

They prefer to keep the answers at arm’s length. They prefer to assign someone else the task of putting answers into action.

“What if…” sets up a kind of parallel universe, in which things are quite different.

It’s no surprise that artists ask the question; then they answer it with novels and plays and paintings and films.

For the individual, the question always suggests taking a new course in life, changing the old framework. As one edges closer to initiating action, body and mind and psyche go into an anticipatory state of high energy.

“Yes, do it. This is good.”

It’s especially good because the subconscious sees new possibility, and not just along one line; it sees multiple dimensions of action—trees sprouting many branches.

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See The Hidden Beauty At The Heart Of Creation

InspireMeToday  August 5 2013

Please remember always to be grateful, for gratitude is a great antidote to misfortune. Life overflows with abundance and yet all too often we hardly notice it and fail to give thanks. This is the greatest tragedy for mankind, but every individual still has the power to make a difference to the world through integrity and courage.

If Life has taught me anything, it is that our conscious existence is fleeting and supremely precious – never to be taken for granted. Love created us and will never abandon what It has made. Trusting in this realisation, we must never, ever give up hope.

Above all, I trust in this love, but I frequently reflect also that Truth can never be grasped and that there is no neat formula by which finally it may be known or described. It is the one ineffable living Reality – and everyone is already an expression of That, moment by moment. Enlightenment does not need to be attained – our true nature as consciousness only needs to be recognised.

Look deeply with the eyes of love and you will clearly see the hidden beauty at the heart of creation, perceiving it in the midst of human cruely and conflict no less than in the marvels and sometimes destructive power of Nature.

How inscrutable this beauty is, for it speaks a secret language we cannot yet discern adequately. Stay silent and ponder then in the face of the unimaginable suffering of the world. Such deep reflection will yield a sense of profound peace and equanimity.

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You Are Your Greatest Battle

talk2momz  July 25 2013


Rumor has it that women are amazingly strong. Do we always have to be strong? When looking at alternative ways to be, it seems like strong is the only choice. But I wonder about that. Eventually we realize that strong in conscious awareness seems a lot more natural than the ‘act on the world’ kind of strong that we’ve engaged in for most of our lives.

Don’t get me wrong… I still feel like acting on the world because the toxic density of this final stage of collapse is threatening to take down so many along with our beautiful mother earth. But I’m thinking there may be something greater that I can offer: perhaps the sure knowledge that in the end, hope for the future is you.

You are your greatest battle, you are your greatest work, you are your greatest satisfaction, and your energy and consciousness are the hope.

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No Rest For The Aware

Gillian Grannum, Ph.D. – Awareness is two-edged. It consists of registering the hidden agenda for what it is without falling for false premises intended to stir any number of outraged, “this-tops-it-all” emotions.

The game consists of rapidly escalating events meant to overwhelm the processing centers so brain paralysis sets in. What to focus on? Which wicked plot is sprouting horns and hooves fastest?

Remember, awareness is two-edged. Close observation of “The Agenda” reveals nothing seems to be working quite as planned by the controllers. In fact, their roll-out of the black carpet escalates so rapidly they’re awash in unintended consequences. Continue reading

All In All We’re Cracking The Wall

Zen-Haven June 27 2013

Collective consciousnessToday I’m going to tackle a subject and a half… starting with some statements and questions: We project our minds into imagined future events according to our analysis of what we see, hear, and accept as real in the present.

We reject experiencing one future scenario and we fully embrace another based on opinion, past experience, hopes, fears, beliefs or obligations. None of it is real of course, unless we make it so.

And now… what abilities do we utilize in order to emerge beyond the mind and emotions into actually being within a preferred reality?

Whenever I consider starting something new, I wait for a very helpful person who seems to intuitively know it’s time to call. He calls and asks what I’m up to. For me the conversation is going to provide a map called checking in with the ‘shoot it downer’. For him, the conversation is the reasonable, experienced businessman interjecting a little reality into my mind.

I tell him the plan, and then I listen to him tell me why it won’t work. He asserts that his reasoning is much more in tune with what’s real and how life works than mine is. I listen and tell him I’ll give his warnings my consideration. He hangs up the phone with a touch of friendly encouragement, “Well, go ahead and try it… because you always do what you want anyway… but don’t put any money in it.”

Then I get my chance to sit back and look at the rock wall he has constructed. These rocks are the mind’s reasons why it won’t work. Next step? I let myself be like water, and find my way through the cracks and holes in the wall.

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