Something About Knowing And Not Knowing

Shift Frequency June 3 2013

Original art by Jill Mattson (used with permission)

Knowing and Not Knowing are places of determination of existential consciousness. Friends share what they know and what they see. Anything I say is not intended to become your view. How dull if we did not each have our own precious perspective.

Perspectives are relative, not absolute. I know only one perspective which leads without fail to Wisdom Truth and is the ‘tester’ – compassionate love. Unconditional love and compassion are the essence of what we are, of who we are if we agree that the identity or our ‘we’ is not this body, but rather is in it… a transient occupant.

Man has always struggled with the edge of consciousness – the boundary of knowing and not knowing. This edge is the home of the poet, the essence of gifts brought back  from tastes and touches of the other side.

Joseph Campbell concluded that mythology is dead in the modern world – that each  is now cast loose from the confines of a predetermined cultural mythos. The poet now assumes the role of provoking awareness of that which is over the edge of what is known.

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What Remains

SacredScribe May 24 2013

Early morning unfolds.

The sun rises, a crow caws, a breeze moves, a seagull soars, a deer grazes, the heart beats, the lungs breathe, the body stretches, coffee steams, tongue tastes, cat purrs.

Love Is.

The greatest blessing of being alive, is being awareness itself, and noticing the infinite abundance and beauty of life.

The truth is, there is no such thing as lack.

Only the personal, psychological, hypnotized mind believes in lack.

Beingness knows nothing about it.

Experiencing a true state of abundance has nothing to do with success, money, or material things.

These are impermanent and limited, and are simply a result of believing in an individual, personal, separate existence.

Abundance has everything to do with consciousness, and knowing we are that.

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How To Manifest An Abundant Income In Any Economy

Jafree Ozwald May 3 2013

Abraham HicksThe very first step to empowering yourself begins with realizing that the society’s economic state has nothing to do with your ability to manifest the job, income or career of your dreams. You are independent of this because by nature, you are an all powerful manifesting being. Your thoughts manifest into things, and the connection you have with the intelligent Universe is profound! Whatever you are dreaming up is what becomes true for you. If the media and everyone tells you that “these are difficult times” and it’s hard to get a job, don’t believe them! You can have whatever you want, and if you believe them you’re just claiming yourself to be powerless and dismissing the fact that you’re always connected to the God Source! Your ability to manifest any income you want is defined by how deeply you realize the intimate connection you have with this unstoppable spiritual force inside you.

Yes, you as an individual are a more powerful manifestor than your wildest dreams can imagine. Truly, you have the ability to shift the consciousness of this planet by doing ONE thing. Hold your attention in a positive direction. By constantly visualizing yourself and this planet as whole, healed, abundant and in perfect harmony, you enforce this change. As you change your inner world, this energy sparks, reflects and eventually manifests into your outer world. You are interconnected to the whole in more ways than you can intellectually understand

Are you ready to learn the secret to creating abundance in your life? Ok, first start by visualizing yourself jumping up and down with excitement because massive abundance is heading your way, then start JUMPING up and down physically every morning. Feel what it’s like to be working in your dream career, getting paid very well and having FUN with everyone you’re working with. Focus on following your life’s purpose, rather than just scraping by surviving day to day. When you dedicate your life to focusing on the greater health and well-being of the planet for the future children to enjoy, you will get inspired. This will give you the energy and motivation to implement these simple steps and attract that personal economic situation that is easy and effortless.

“The only way out for Americans to avoid an extraordinary economic decline in the years ahead is for them to experience that field of inner peace and intelligence within their own consciousness.” ~ Ron Robins

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Crossing The Galactic Plane–And The Photon Belt [Video]

Dregs of the Future | December 23 2012 | Thanks, Dale

Update 12/23/2012:  Earth has now crossed the galactic plane.

Some people say “nothing happened.” Maybe that’s true for them. As the Zen monks have said, “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” (In other words, before and after our perception has shifted, even if we become enlightened, we still care for our bodies, we still have chores. Enlightenment is in our consciousness, not somewhere “out there”.)

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Continue reading @ Dregs of the Future

Life Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Illusions

Inspire Me Today | May 9 2012

Life is a merry-go-round of illusions. ~ Ian Fox

Don’t waste your life, your beauty, your infinite connection to all things, worrying, overworking and collecting “material things!”

Control your ego; temper your desires and let forgiveness, love and personal freedom be the beacon that guides you.

Awaken from the delusion of having to show off and prove yourself to others. The best house, car, clothes and latest gadget mean little, because they are not who you really are beyond thought and form. The things you want to own, invariably end up owning you. They become the “screws” of your life, nailing you to the floor, preventing you from spanning new pastures. You are more than what you own and not defined by what you owe.

Step off the mouse wheel by refraining from doing things you hate, decorating your life with ego fuelled crud and people who see you as a means to an end. You’re not a slave to someone else’s agenda. You’re a free spirit, not a worshipper to the daily rituals of modern society.

Step back and see the merry-go-round of illusions for what it is. There is nothing wrong in wanting better things in life. As long as you are not paying for them long after the shine has worn off and the ephemeral ego-fix has evaporated. Today’s treasure is tomorrow’s trash! Tame your mind with spiritual awareness, discipline and practice delayed gratification. Don’t conform, reform!

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