Integrating Our Multi-dimensional God Self Awareness

DimensionSince the opening of the 11.11.11 gateway. We are in a time where more and more people will be becoming aware of their multi-dimensional Selves and God Self Creator abilities. The choice everyone has then is to be fearful of this knowledge or embrace and expand with it. Therefore embrace and integrate the multi-dimensional aspects of our own Being or have fear of who we really are. The awareness that we are infinite Light Creator Beings simply having an experience in a physical body and collectively Creating the reality for which we know.

Here in 3D there are many distractions and it is very easy for us to live in illusion and denial of who we really are. There are many levels of this denial that limits the full awareness of our God Self knowledge to flow and be integrated. In some ways we could see this as we are integrating the knowledge of our future Selves into the present. Continue reading

The Physical Body’s Role in Ascension

physical bodySarah Elkhaldy – Many of us have had an aversion to the human form and difficult time acclimating to third dimensional life, which has manifested in one form or another as dis-ease. There are positive aspects to the state of illness that aren’t easily recognized due to the sheer amount of pain that illness comes with.

One of the undervalued aspects to illness is that it teaches us how to properly care for our physical vehicle. Personally, I know that if it wasn’t for my own health conditions I have suffered from over the years, I wouldn’t be as conscious of my health as I am today, nor would I be that very helpful of a healer.

Imagine the aether as a sea of consciousness made up of different radio waves. These radio waves are broadcasted into infinite versions of reality, or “radio stations.” Each station broadcasts a different version of reality. Continue reading

Expect Physical Changes With Incoming Energies

changeRosie Neal – There is so much that is happening to most everyone on a physical level. We are in a process of changing on a cellular, molecular and atomic and sub-atomic levels. It will influence the neutron electron and proton all the way down to the ratio of the spin cycle of the nucleus.

As you begin to change, each person will be affected differently. You may not feel as hungry as often as you once did and may will eat less, sleep patterns will change and some will require less sleep and for others having going though big changes with the mitochondria, RNA, DNA they will need more sleep.

There will be times the body will need rest for days to recoup and energize. Try to get into the sun as much as possible it will help. Drink water. Continue reading


physical bodyLisa Renee – This year begins the change in the law of structure in the planetary body referred to as Morphogenesis, which gives us opportunities to explore how these structural changes in energy to matter impact our manifestations. The physical body is extremely important during this stage, as what we are here to shift on the earth can only happen while we remain inside an ascending human body.

We will look at the agenda behind Transhumanism to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle.  We will discuss the multiple sections of the bifurcated earth, changes in Guardian groups and the Rise of the Paliadorians, where some will begin to embody higher DNA imprints in order to return the earth to the rightful benevolent stewardship of loving Guardians.

As we move into the next five years, which are defined as the Morphogenesis stage of the Ascension Cycle, we are encountering drastic geomagnetic recalibration and structural changes within the planetary architecture that begin new stages of higher consciousness coming into physical Embodiment at multiple layers of awareness.

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Etheric Implants And Entities Are “Human Nature”

Eric Raines – After an incredibly intense energetic activation, I became aware, as clearly as you are reading these words right now, of a system that had completely infiltrated the human condition, yet was almost 100% invisible to detection.  Almost 100% of the population of the planet is walking around completely unaware that most of the “talking” they are doing in their heads isn’t talking, but listening to something else speaking in their own internal voice. They are completely unaware that almost all of their habits, routines, impulses and reactions are not theirs but an invisible puppet master’s direction, willing them to develop these neuro-linguistic pathways (NLP) through 24/7 monitoring and countering of any resistance to the invisible agenda.

An invisible puppetmaster controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda? Right off the bat, we have already jumped the ship from sanity.  The immediate reaction is rejection, as there is no way that we, the most intelligent species on the planet, could be victim to something so incredibly prevalent and widespread; something that has literally tricked us into thinking we are independent and have free will, yet has imprisoned us on a level that is absolute.  This reaction is completely understandable, and, honestly, to be expected. So, if you have made it this far and wish to not continue reading, this is understandable. The only request is that you analyze this feeling inside of you, notice how strong it is? Question that.  For those who wish to continue, let us explain how this works, then more importantly: WHY?

Let us begin with the known elements of this system. Through confirmed science, it is already understood  that there is much more going on than meets the eye. Visible perception is what is called visible light, or the rainbow spectrum of color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), this light spectrum is 5% of the full measurable spectrum of light. Broken down, what this means is that we can see with our human eyes only 5% of what there is to be seen. What has not yet been confirmed conclusively by hard science is the fact that we are multidimensional creatures with multiple forms of a body on many different energetic levels and densities.

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