Transhumanism: The Annihilation of Humanity?

“Estulin explains that the transhumanists wish to become post-human: “A post-human is someone who has been modified with performance enhancing body and brain augmentations to the point that they could no longer call themselves human.”” – K Barrett

TranshumanistWeatherReporterPut on your tinfoil hat and wax paranoid with me for a moment.

Imagine that you knew your neighbor was planning to kill you. Imagine he had the means, motive and opportunity to do so. What would you do?

You would take action to stop him, correct?

Now imagine you learned that this same neighbor was going to kill your whole family as well. I assume this would steepen your resolve to do something about it.

And then it gets worse: The neighbor is going to poison the water supply and kill your entire town, village or city. And worse than that: He’s going to mass-murder your whole nation. And worse yet: He’s going to kill every human being on the face of the earth…and maybe even all the animals, plants, and other life forms.

And he’s openly bragging about it. He says he will soon have weapons to pull it off. And you have reason to believe that he may very well be right.

What would you do?

If you didn’t resolve to stop him by any means necessary, and immediately put that resolve into action, you would be at least seven billion times stupider and crazier than someone who didn’t defend his own life against a murderous, psychopathic neighbor.

This is the position we all find ourselves in as we learn about the transhumanist agenda of the New World Order. These people are literally plotting to kill us all  – and quite possibly most or all of the earth’s other life forms as well. Continue reading

The Many Benefits Of Meditation

OwenKWatersThe hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced world almost makes you want to cry out, “Where can I find some peace and quiet?”

Meditation has become a very popular answer to the need for balance in today’s fast-moving society. Meditation was designed primarily for spiritual development, rather than mental or physical benefits. However, by nourishing the spiritual self, its benefits are then reflected throughout the human mind and body.

Spiritual benefits

Human beings function on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels, with each level impressing the next. Your soul impresses your mind and helps you to choose your beliefs about reality. These beliefs then channel your thoughts into patterns which fit into that view of reality. Your thoughts feed into your emotions, and your emotions affect the well-being of your physical form.

It makes sense, therefore, to see that the root of the human tree, your spiritual self, is given the best possible nourishment. Continue reading

Four Ways To Increase Your Survival Endurance

“Personally I think everyone who is seriously considering any bug out on foot scenario should be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Can you run at all? Can you run with your bug out bag?” – P Henry

Challenge yourself in small but important ways.
Challenge yourself in small but important ways.

News of the recent Ebola case in Texas has a lot of people on edge. You may have felt the urgency yourself as you read the news and monitor the progress being made, or not made in controlling this virus. Events like this are what preppers for years have been planning for and if you are new to prepping you may fear that you are behind the eight ball at a crucial time.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone should be panicked about the events in West Africa or Texas, but I do think they are something to pay attention to. On the other hand, I don’t recommend doing nothing if you have serious holes in your preps. Events like the Ebola outbreak do two things. The first is that they motivate preppers again and they bring new people into our sphere of influence as more people try to learn all they can, search for prepping checklists, or research how to find the right bug out bag and so much more. The second thing that something like this latest Ebola news does is remind us that there are real threats out there in the world. Ebola is a virus that kills people. Viruses can spread to other people so it stands to reason more people can die or will die from Ebola. This isn’t science fiction or conspiracy, it’s just a fact that the people in Africa at least are living on a daily basis.

But regardless of whether you are just now getting into prepping or you have been prepping for years, there is more to survival than having a stocked pantry, bountiful garden, or a well with a hand water pump on your property. Simply having supplies isn’t the true yardstick you need to be comparing yourself to if you realistically want to know how prepared you are for this or any other crisis that may happen. Supplies can be taken away, they can be flung across the county or washed down the river. What matters most of all is your mental capacity to see you through difficulty. Your will to live and survive no matter what the odds will do more for you than any survival knife. Your determination and confidence that you will succeed will be more valuable than a box of MRE’s or freeze dried food. Continue reading

Angel Messages For September 1 – 7 2014 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

September begins with you deciding to detox physically and energetically. Just like last week when you were donating unused items to charities, this week you’ll continue to let go of the old . . . in many ways!


You’ll notice an increased psychic awareness, where your intuition is heightened. You may also feel increased sensitivity. Honor your sensitivity, as it’s a gift for your life purpose. Surround yourself with gentle people and situations, or spend time alone or with a gentle pet. Nature is also very helpful for sensitivity. Continue reading

James Hall ~ How To Extend Life Discussed Among Elites Invited To Google Camp

“Most godless souls want to live forever, since rejecting an afterlife is automatic to such atheistic masters of the universe. Google has proven to be a “New Age” android. Hence, it is natural for apps, developed to manage the life cycle, become part of the smart set.” – J Hall


When the billionaire tech jet set decides to let down their hair, what do they talk about around the campfire? According to the New York Times, “Google is sponsoring an elite conference this week at a golf resort in Sicily, with a guest list of chief executives, investors and celebrities, all of whom were invited to bring their families. On the agenda are high-minded discussions of global issues — along with relaxation by the Mediterranean Sea.” How quaint! . . . For the real scoop, Here’s What Went On At Google’s Exclusive Conference For The Rich And Famous In Sicily.

Sicilian blogger Tony Siino talked to an attendee about what went on, and told Business Insider via email that the conference, dubbed “The Camp,” was three-days of intellectual discussions, relaxation, and sight-seeing.

According to Siino’s source, morning discussions included a wide range of topics, including how to extend human life and the design of cities of the future.”

Reported by NBC local TV channel in the Bay Area has “guests include Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd C. Blankfein, executives from German and Spanish banks, Uber chief Travis Kalanick, Tesla boss Elon Musk, Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts and Snapchat boss Evan Spiegel. Also on hand is Ben Horowitz, venture capitalist with Marc Andreessen at make-or-break Silicon Valley fund Andreessen Horowitz.”

Spending quality time with the family between sessions in the next round of tech discoveries hardly seems to be the best use of time. Yet, time may well be the ultimate objective if you can uncover the mysteries of anti-aging research. Life Extension Magazine reports that Google Life Extension is investing in a venture called California Life Company, or Calico for short, and its goal is to extend human life by 20 to 100 years.

At this point, Google is being highly secretive about their plans for Calico. All Google would reveal is that Calico will focus “in particular on the challenge of aging and associated diseases.” Continue reading