A Lesson In Time

Beacons Of Light | November 19 2012

Greetings from Home ~ Awakening the Child Within

EinsteinThis day has created a new vibration. You are all acclimating yourself to it in a new way, for you have opportunities that you have not had before. It is an opportunity for you to change your perceptions, to shift your energy and look at things differently. You all seem to be healers in some way, and most of you have helped others to go back and find the origin of their problems. It is very simple, dear ones. Most of your experiences happen first in childhood or even in adolescence, as it is very easy to scar a human psyche when you are young because you are getting to know yourself. Many of you have discovered ways of returning to what your original intent was during those times of misdirection. Why would you misdirect yourself? Why would anyone do so? Certainly it is not done intentionally. Misdirection often happens with knowledge. For instance, you see an open door and the handle looks very inviting. So, you push the door open further, simply step in and say, “This feels good for now. I will go forward.” Well, humans are adapters. You step into something new and rather than say, “Eww, this does not feel good,” you adapt yourselves and soon you are adjusting everything around you. You say, “Okay, I moved this over here and that over there, so now it feels comfortable.” What you do not always realize is that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of your energy to play this game, which makes it more difficult in many aspects.

So, what would it take for you to return to the perceptions you held when you were a child? What would it take to re-member? Of course, your life has changed and you have evolved greatly since then. We do not expect you to go back to who you were as a child or even pretend to be that again. You now have an opportunity to re-member what your perception was when you took that original sidestep, the first time that you opened a new door and decided to go through it. Suddenly you find yourself way down the hallway very invested in your journey and your travel. You are far too invested to turn around and go back, and so you are adapting everything. “Oh, this is not what I expected, so I will adapt and harmonize it.” Well, you are getting very good at that. Now, what about re-membering where you were originally going and your original intent? That is one of the key pieces that will help all of you to return to this. You are the greatest beings that have ever walked the Earth. Never doubt that. You can turn around and see behind you the generations that have gone before you, even within your own family. You can see how the vibrational levels have risen over all of humanity as you have evolved. It is grand indeed. It is beyond your understanding that we always celebrate your evolution on the other side. We are excited to watch as you evolve to where you can actually perceive us without the channels and hear us all in your own heart. That is coming for each and every one of you…doubt it not. It is absolutely what you have asked for and there is only one answer to what god asked for – and so it is. It is very simple. Whatever it is that you decide, you harmonize what is out there and it is created in a new way.

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The Outrageous Power Of The Blue Room

Jafree Ozwald | November 16 2012

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein

Blue Room

Most people don’t understand how powerful they are. Often they think that everything in their world happens “to them” and not “for them”. They don’t realize how the things in their life simply “show up” from their own creative thinking. Some people believe that when something miraculous or unexplainable occurs, that they had no apparent say in the manifestation of it at all. The bigger truth is far from it, and now science is backing it up. We are constantly having an impact on our world and the situations and things we manifest through the ideas we choose to visualize and hold our attention upon. We are perpetual participants in the co-creation of our everyday realities. Every thought you are thinking is like a magnet, pulling towards you that which you want or what you don’t want to occur.

Over the past 500 years, science and spirituality have been seen as separate fields of study and just recently they are finally merging to reveal the greatest secret in history. The quantum scientists of today have come to prove through a new lineage of quantum physics that our thoughts are actual powerful “things” that physically effect the world around us. They have proven that we are natural manifesting beings who are always impacting the world around us. Two of the most important facts that these modern day geniuses have derived are:

1. Every subatomic particle in the Universe is connected to all the particles in a holographic matrix and energetic field.

2. You physically change the existence, behavior and direction of subatomic particles depending on where you’re focusing your attention.

This means that wherever you are focusing your consciousness is where you’re creating your world. When you visualize and feel something happening on your inner world, you are actually directly impacting the energetic particles on some level in your outer world! Everything is energetically connected and you cannot stop impacting the quantum particles around you with your mind. The real questions to ask yourself now are, “What thoughts are you choosing to think? Are you focusing on what you want or want you don’t want?”

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Time And Timelines (The Nature Of Time)

AK Note ~ Two terms appear in this document that will be unfamiliar to most who visit this blog. These terms are LM and SM. The footnotes explain briefly who they are, but for simplicity you can think of LM = Service to Other beings, SM = Service to Self Beings. Daniel will be providing an follow-up paper on ETs/EDs.

I asked GW Hardin to examine the science in this article and he thinks its sound, he was astounded by what was revealed about time space and the reciprocal system. There are also many details missing from the Al Bielek account. One minor difference with the Al Bielek account is Daniel mentioned that they used an IBM mainframe to simulate the starship drive inputs to the device.

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Shifting Timelines – The Masculine Body Reconstruction

Energetic Synthesis | October 9 2012

EarthToday is October 9th which happens to be the birthday of John Lennon, of which I happily announce the celebratory synchronicity of changing the ES newsletter title from Lift Your Veil to “Shifting Timelines”. Similarly to Mr. Lennon’s activism and efforts to “Give Peace a Chance”, as a Libran like myself, I submit our October Newsletter with some minor changes. We have “lifted the veil” long enough, and it is time for us all to come out of the veiled closet into greater transparency. Now is the time to get down to the group task and business and “shift the timelines” to planetary freedom. Hence the name of our newsletter and blog series, as our collaborative efforts are to protect and embody the GSF stewardship of which we have been entrained here within the ES Community, as “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!”. Happy New Shifting Timelines to all, as sovereign and free beings in the eternal light of God Source. (Please note our podcast is late due to a family medical crisis and will be available sometime this week.)


Dear Family, the current strong geomagnetic storms resulting from recent solar activity have deep repercussions at the quantum level which greatly impact and shift the state of electromagnetism upon our planet. The increase in the solar wind interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field and the transfer of accelerated energy is placed into the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is an important part of the Global Planetary Brain and is the inherent architecture that creates the many complex identities of the collective human mind. Its functions are directly responsible for what humans experience as a collective race identity along with an individual 3D conscious mind or ego self. (Please see the July 2008 newsletter, Magnetic Change of the Global Brain)

As these various input factors accelerate change from the pressure these quantum forces place upon the planetary core, the physics governing those forces start to change on the planetary surface. The geo-physics governing these forces in this dimension are shifting and as such, have a great impact on the state of electromagnetic activity. Clearly this has an impact on all human beings and creatures of this planet during this time. It especially has impact on the collective mental bodies and the way the masculine energetic principle embodies in matter and form.

Magnetic Dipoles and Jerks

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The World As Hologram [Video]

2012 The Awakening | 2011 by 

Leonard Susskind of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructability of information and the nature of black holes in a lecture entitled The World As Hologram.