10 Amazing Superfoods – Harnessing Nature’s Healing Potential

“Having seen all the amazing benefits of this powerful adaptogenic mushroom, it seems that Chaga may not only be the king of the medicinal mushrooms, but perhaps also the king of all superfoods as well!” M Honey

Pine pollen
Pine pollen

Since time immemorial, human beings have been experimenting with what we eat. We have discovered, consumed, and created countless foods and substances – some of which taste amazing, some that make us feel invincible, and some that even induce profound and revelatory visions! – all in the name of trying to figure out who we are, how to live longer, and how to feel the best ever.

But something that is just now starting to be understood scientifically is that: a culture is what it eats – and food really does make us who we are!!

Via the internet, we now have access to thousands of years of indigenous knowledge in regards to the best and worst foods man has ever eaten – and today, the ones that pack serious nutritional power and medicinal qualities are now often referred to as ‘superfoods’. By choosing to learn about and consume only the healthiest foods on the planet, and understanding the reasons why we want to consume them, we have an unprecedented ability to support our bodies and consciously boost the evolutionary thrust of humankind via our diets!

So.. to start things off, here’s a list of 10 absolutely amazing superfoods that – along with just being superbly nutritious – will also start you on your path towards becoming a truly exemplary human being.

10 Amazing Superfoods

10 – Pine Pollen

Pine Pollen has been used as a medicine since the beginning of time. It is a truly super substance, and is now beginning to get a lot of attention in the health food community; very few substances on Earth have as many positive benefits as Pine Pollen. Continue reading