Does a Placebo Work if You Know It’s a Placebo?

Does a Placebo Work if You Know It’s a Placebo?David R. Hamilton PhD. – The surprising answer to that question is yes … a lot of the time.

Knowing full well that what they were taking were placebos instead of their normal medication, people have seen improvements in symptoms of IBS, chronic low back pain, migraine, depression, hay fever, ADHD and even fatigue due to cancer.

In each case, there was nothing secretly hidden in the placebos, no secret con, no attempt to deceive the person. The label on the bottle was clear: Continue reading

The Placebo Effect

placebo effectDavid R. Hamilton PhD. – Forty patients with asthma, emphysema, or restrictive lung disease were given an inhaler that contained a nebulized saline placebo, but they were told that it contained allergens that would restrict their airways. It was a study conducted in the departments of psychiatry and medicine at the State University of New York.

Before long, 19 of the forty patients reacted with considerable constriction of their airways. Twelve of them, in fact, had an actual asthma attack. Continue reading