Light, Dark and the Occulted Egypt

egyptKatie Gallanti – There is mass confusion out there about Ancient Egypt, the history there and what it represents for us… First of all we have been given a bogus history, as Egypt is much older than traditional archaeology and history books would have us believe. Egypt also had many stages, several of which have been occulted, hidden or forgotten. The one in the history books is the most recent one, but there were at least two stages prior to the Egypt we know in mass culture.

I have vivid past life memories of my Egypt lives of which I have had many. Only in one of these lives I actually looked the way people perceive “Egyptians”, Cleopatra style. In several of those lives I was not from Earth, that is, I was a being from a different star system. In many of those lives I had very distressing experiences connected to the demise of a certain chapter of our Earth. Writing a book about all this, so I will not delve further. But let me just say that we are very much now in the process of reclaiming the light that was lost on our planet many moons ago. There was a time in which the pyramids were light and aligned with the highest of mystery schools. During those times they were not made of stone. The stone pyramids were a replacement of light structures, now lost. Much turned to stone that was light…and now much that is stone is being lit up again and re-infused with light, as we gradually close off old dark energetic doorways and open new light orientated ones  or re-activate dormant structures, which is has been a great part of my behind the scenes planetary energy work of the past three years. Continue reading