When the Going Gets Tough

pointJelaila Star – It appears that civil war has broken out in the US. Unlike previous wars fought on a battlefield with soldiers, guns and tanks, this one is being fought on the Internet and control rooms. Those on the front lines are calling it an information war.  What is at stake is very great–total freedom or total enslavement.

If the Dark (Cabal) wins we completely lose any remaining freedoms, Agenda 21 goes into full swing, millions will killed off, and the remainder will be impoverished debt slaves.  Our every move tracked and controlled. (Think the Hunger Games meets the Matrix.)

On the other hand, if the Light wins, we free ourselves, enter a new era of peace, and bring forth the awaiting technologies to heal all the damage to our bodies, and minds, as well as healing Mother Earth, cleaning up the water, air and food supply. And, one other very important thing– we complete our graduation as a species, and step into the fullness of our divine destiny as universal peacekeepers. At that point planetary quarantine ends and we are welcomed into the galactic community as members in good standing. Pretty cool, eh?

Because this in an information war, many are still unaware that it is going on, yet every day we discover something else that we’ve been been taught to believe has been a lie. We are starting to see just how much we have been “socially engineered via main stream media (msm).

I really feel for those in my age group, 50+ and up. We all grew up on the evening news. If Walter Cronkite said it was true then that was good enough for us. We struggle with the idea that we need to go to alternative news sites on the Internet now to find out what is true.

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