Pluto, Lord Of Darkness, Faces Off With Sirius, The Great Scorching Light – Feb 3, 2015

CarolAnnCiocco1 This event occurs February 3, 2015 at 12:10pm GMT (7:10am est and 4:10am PST) – i.e., only a few hours from now. However, the energy is available with great force for at least 24 hours afterward AND will be in the aura/energy field of Earth and of humans through the end of 2015. Save this info for future reference! Note: to watch my previous companion/summation video for this information, go to:


Feb 2, 2015Hi there, how are you doing? Tomorrow we have the first of three connections of the planet Pluto, resident of our solar system, in opposition to the fixed star Sirius, the brightest star that can be seen by naked eye in the skies of Earth. This is an important event for all denizens of this solar system (whoever they may be!) but it is especially important for the planets Mars and Earth.

Pluto faces off with Sirius

Mars and Earth, along with Pluto (now dancing with The Shining One, Sirius) are the only three planets in this solar system that have not yet shifted into integration of Light and Dark, aka reached ‘Sacred Status’. So Pluto, which holds the essence of darkness, meeting up with Sirius, the holder of High Light, is of utmost importance in our journey – the journey of Humanity and of Earth – to integrate our Light and Dark selves/energies. By integrating the darkness, we are able to hold more Light!

Mars and Pluto – polarized to the dark

Earth consciousness has been very focused on Mars over the past 5 years or so, as the United States and other countries have placed roving robots on the surface of Mars, exploring for signs of water, and thus signs of previous life (like the life on Earth). Concerning its journey to Sacred Status, Mars needs to integrate darkness into light – Mars holds the energy of war, anger, aggression. Pluto is also polarized to the dark, it embodies deep dark occult and sexual energies that are destructive when hidden and not overseen by Lighted consciousness. Pluto also embodies the energy of Death, so with Pluto the integration concerns death and life.

Earth – a polarity planet – equal dark and light (but too concentrated on light currently)

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The Duality Of The Polarity Of Prejudice

“Racism is the deceit of the senses of lazy mind, and shows its ignorance in a scientifically verifiable way, for only the human eye sees colors as humans do.” – E I Smith

BlackWhiteBabiesAccording to the Hopi, there are red, yellow, purple and white people. Synonymous with the colors of corn, each color is related to an element. Red people are the guardians of earth, yellow people are the guardians of air, purple people are the guardians of water and white people are the guardians of fire.

People of any color can potentially lose their way and become two-hearted. The term two-hearted comes from the Hopi concept that people originally have one heart and are good natured. People who lose their way – who succumb to greed and ego, who lose the conscious connection that can only exist in the moment – acquire a whole other heart to feed.

The Duality of the Polarity

When it comes to the question of race, the only real differences are shades and hues. People are more similar than different. We are fundamentally the same, but appear in this reality in slightly different forms. And while our cultures and traditions may differ, they are all human traditions after all.

Yet, although we are all human and we are all one, we humans have subdivided, grouped and categorized each other into numerous more races than four. However, for the basic descriptive purposes of this article, four is enough of a distinction to draw. Continue reading