Politicization of Medicine Is Merely a Symptom of Our Culture’s Disease

Politicization of Medicine Is Merely a Symptom of Our Culture's DiseaseLathan Watts – A pervasive agenda spreading through the medical profession at a viral pace is in and of itself a disturbing trend.  But it may reveal an even more perilous cultural decay that, if left untreated, could be life-threatening to our republic.  The trend is the coercive use of government power that places a bureaucratic thumb on the scale balancing science and politics.  The cultural decay is the rejection of God as the source of life and liberty.

It took an injunction by a federal district court to partially prevent the Biden administration from using the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act to force emergency room doctors to perform elective abortions regardless of religious beliefs or conscientious objection.  The injunction in the case State of Texas v. Becerra is likely headed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. Continue reading