Pope, “Climate Change,” WW3 And Defeating Drug Cartels

popeKatherine Frisk – In Pope Francis’s latest on “Climate Change” (driven by the Malthusian Hans Joachim Schellnhuber who claimed that the earth’s capacity is only 1 billion people), many wondered what Schellnhuber , the Vatican and the Pope in particular intended to do with the other 6.5 billion? After all, they do not support family planning, birth control or abortion. So what is left?

War? Another opportunity to take a pot shot at Russia and the Orthodox Christian Church, something that has been in their line of sight for ONE THOUSAND YEARS since they successfully brought down the Haggia Sophia, Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire through “mercenaries,” which even today they claim they had no influence over. Sort of in the same way that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Israel and the US claim that they have had no influence over ISIS/ISIL, and yet they had been funding, training and planning the destruction of Syria for a number of years. Iran is next on the cards. As regards Eastern Europe and Russia in particular, The Inquisition, Napoleon, WWI, the Communist Bolsheviks and WWII were only partially successful in removing the Orthodox Christian Church from the face of the earth. Today under Putin it is making a major come back and dedicating Russia to the Virgin Mary looks as distant as ever.

But there is another way to destroy communities, societies and nations other than war as the Chinese know only too well. Through the drug trade. In the last 45 years, narcotics has been made fashionable thanks to Hollywood. “Drugs, sex and rock n roll!” Catchy little phrase isn’t it? And co-ordinated by the CIA. So what do the CIA and the drug cartels have to do with the Pope?

Keep in mind that the South American cocaine industry is worth billions run by Langely Virginia (CIA), and the Bush crime family syndicate. The opium industry in Afghanistan is booming, over $200 billion dollars a year network where it is shipped out through NATO bases and transported into Europe through the Balkans. Eastern Europe as a result has become a degenerate cess pitt of drug rings, prostitution, human trafficking and organ trafficking. The Slavic people, by and large Orthodox Christians, are now rotting from within. Throw in a couple of “colour revolutions,” coups and a civil war in Ukraine, as they did in South America with Chile and Argentina, and Eastern Europe is about to go the same way as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria and Greece of course that has been successfully raped and pillaged by the EU and the IMF. Greece is the home of the Orthodox Christian Church. And then there is also Armenia, another Orthodox Christian country about to be beset by some Nuland treatment and a “color revolution.” Continue reading

Is Pope Positioning Himself to Be Head of Planned One World Religion?

popeMakia Freeman – Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and environmental damage. As noble as this sounds, however, in doing so the Pope fell into the trap set up by the Club of Rome and other elite think tanks of blaming man for global warming. Rather than sticking to a more general message of caring for the Earth and treating the environment responsibly, the Pope’s message was decidedly political. By entering into politics with the Rockefeller-and-CFR-created United Nations at his back, one has to wonder if the Pope is positioning himself – or being positioned – to be the head of the planned One World Religion which has long been planned as an integral part of the structure of the New World Order (NWO).

Pope Francis to be Chief Priest of the One World Religion?

The push to make the Pope the head of the UN One World Religion has been going on awhile. Last year, for instance, former Israeli President (and therefore by definition war criminal) Shimon Peres held public talks with the Pope and expressed his desire for Pope Francis to lead the world into a One World Religion. According to the Jerusalem Post, Peres’ idea is to create a UN-like organization called the “United Religions”. The website cfnews.org also states:

Peres “proposed the founding of a United Religions organization — modeled after the United Nations — to fight terrorism”. In an interview with the Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Peres said he wanted to establish an international body representing the world’s major religions, as “an unquestionable moral authority” able to intervene in conflicts, “a UN of religions”.

How interesting that the old abstract bogeyman “terrorism” is even being used to push for a One World Religion. The elite must love that one concept of terrorism given how much mileage they seem to extract from it.

Centralization of Belief

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The Jesuit Oath Exposed

Given the very concerning events to be triggered by Pope Francis’ visit to the United States and United Nations in September 2015, it occurred to me to research what type of oath this first Jesuit to become Pope may have sworn to become a Jesuit. To say it it chilling is putting it mildly.

I have highlighted the text below (bolding and color changes), and broken it into paragraphs so that it can be more easily read and digested. – Gillian Grannum

Typical Jesuit Attire – Cassock

“Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.” – Professor Arthur Noble

The following is the text of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction as recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216), from which it was subsequently torn out. The Oath is also quoted by Charles Didier in his book Subterranean Rome (New York, 1843), translated from the French original. Dr. Alberto Rivera, who escaped from the Jesuit Order in 1967, confirms that the induction ceremony and the text of the Jesuit Oath which he took were identical to what we have cited below.

When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colours, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM NECAR REGES IMPIUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers.

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The Black Pope and the ZOG-15 Angel of Death Discussion [Video]

popeMr. Cati – This video report will once again discuss Pope Francis, the Jesuits, and Zionism, which will include the Pope’s visit to the USA later in July. While this video report will discuss the Pope’s visit to the USA, it will be done so while keeping Jade Helm 15, the Walmart Closures, ISIS and Zionism and other conspiratorial elements in mind while doing so.

While I will admit I am not qualified to speak to the religious implications of my new observations, but I am hoping that those that do, will do their part to help spread the word about what my new observations infer. I would add that I plan to keep those new observations limited to the discussion that is offered in this video report.


We are still showing and moving towards a window of time that initially was focused on an impact date of Sept 24, but since the involvement of the Pope in my latest findings, his introduction into the code will begin on 09-21, which will begin a window of known coded ritual days, that will be key to the ritual conspiracy currently in play and which will play out later in the year. Continue reading

Wealth Of Roman Catholic Church Impossible To Calculate

NationalPost  March 8 2013

Pope Francis advocates that rich people give away their money to decrease the imbalance between “have” and “have-not” – raising the standard of living for the majority of earth’s inhabitants. This most noble sentiment would be considerably enhanced if the Pope began by divesting the Most Holy Roman Catholic church of its holdings to ease the burdens of the poor. After all, the best example that can be set is the one you set yourself, Pope Francis. ~G

A painting by artist Michel Angelo Pacetti shows a parade of French troops on St. Peter' Square at the Vatican displayed during an exhibition of papal portraits from the Renaissance to Pope John Paul II in Rome in 2004. The Roman Catholic Church's real estate and art have not been properly evaluated, since the church would never sell them.
A painting by artist Michel Angelo Pacetti shows a parade of French troops on St. Peter’ Square at the Vatican displayed during an exhibition of papal portraits from the Renaissance to Pope John Paul II in Rome in 2004. The Roman Catholic Church’s real estate and art have not been properly evaluated, since the church would never sell them.

It is impossible to calculate the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church. In truth, the church itself likely could not answer that question, even if it wished to.

Its investments and spending are kept secret. Its real estate and art have not been properly evaluated, since the church would never sell them.

There is no doubt, however, that between the church’s priceless art, land, gold and investments across the globe, it is one of the wealthiest institutions on Earth.

Since 313 A.D., when Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire, its power has been in near-constant growth.

The church was able to acquire land, most notably the Papal States surrounding Rome, convert pagan temples and claim relics for itself. Over 300 years, it became one of Europe’s largest landowners.

For the next thousand years, tithes and tributes flowed in from all over Europe. Non-Christians and even fellow Christians were killed and their property confiscated. For example, the Fourth Crusade and the sack of Constantinople in the early 13th century brought it gold, money and jewels.

But by the beginning of the 20th century, the church had faced several hundred years of turbulence. Protestantism had claimed many of its members. The French Revolution at the end of the 18th century outlawed the church and though Napoleon allowed it to return, his relationship with various popes was stormy. Continue reading