The Black Pope and the ZOG-15 Angel of Death Discussion [Video]

popeMr. Cati – This video report will once again discuss Pope Francis, the Jesuits, and Zionism, which will include the Pope’s visit to the USA later in July. While this video report will discuss the Pope’s visit to the USA, it will be done so while keeping Jade Helm 15, the Walmart Closures, ISIS and Zionism and other conspiratorial elements in mind while doing so.

While I will admit I am not qualified to speak to the religious implications of my new observations, but I am hoping that those that do, will do their part to help spread the word about what my new observations infer. I would add that I plan to keep those new observations limited to the discussion that is offered in this video report.


We are still showing and moving towards a window of time that initially was focused on an impact date of Sept 24, but since the involvement of the Pope in my latest findings, his introduction into the code will begin on 09-21, which will begin a window of known coded ritual days, that will be key to the ritual conspiracy currently in play and which will play out later in the year.

I would inform those that care, that the original recording was over an hour and a half, so for the past few days, I have been editing out portions that made the video run longer than needed. I mention this so that you will understand the edits and cuts in the final video. It was as short as I could get it. Thank you one and all for you patience and understanding.

Please check out the links in my video summary for further study.

Background Sources and LInks

Mr Cati – FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only.

SF Source MrCati  May 2015

2 thoughts on “The Black Pope and the ZOG-15 Angel of Death Discussion [Video]

  1. Hi Gillian, thanks for sharing these by email and posting on SF. I watched this video and a couple of others by this gentleman. Very interesting and well stated. I hadn’t heard anything about the 09/23-09/24 dates and will definitely keep my eyes open for more info. I’m not sure if the pope’s visit will coincide with some lame attempt to pull a project blue beam, or the black pope announcing ET presence as part of a dark cabal mass deception campaign. It’s sad that the news we have all been waiting to hear, the fact that we are not alone in the universe and that we have friends and star family, would be twisted and manipulated into a weapon to deceive humanity once again. Here’s hoping that our friends and family from the stars come through and reveal the Truth without cabal strings attached.

    1. Hi Kevin! Glad you found Mr. Cati interesting. You write “It’s sad that the news we have all been waiting to hear, the fact that we are not alone in the universe and that we have friends and star family, would be twisted and manipulated into a weapon to deceive humanity once again. Here’s hoping that our friends and family from the stars come through and reveal the Truth without cabal strings attached”

      AGREED! G

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