Ways for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Ways for Overcoming Fear and AnxietyDavid R Hamilton – I’d like to be able to say that I am free of fear and anxiety. Especially as a writer of books that occasionally touch on these topics. People often look to me for answers, strategies, or techniques they can use.

But rather than pretend that I don’t have these struggles so that you might think I’ve mastered myself and then listen to everything I have to say, I felt it would be better to be honest.

Then at least I can honestly say that while I’ve not mastered fear and anxiety, there are some things that I’ve found you can do that can really help. Both immediately and also in the longer term. Continue reading

A positive mindset increases your career prospects

positive mindsetWhen you fail to get that promotion or pass that interview, the last thing you want to hear from friends and family is to “stay positive.” Life just threw a spanner (or monkey wrench) in the works, and as far as you can tell, being positive about it won’t help at all. Fortunately, this isn’t true. A positive mindset can have an incredible effect on your life, especially when it comes to career prospects.

But before we get to that, let’s talk a little about our old friend negativity. It’s a familiar and all too easy emotion to cling to, but if we allow it to fester, it can consume us. Having a negative outlook on any aspect of your life is severely limiting as it tends to chip away at our self-esteem and confidence. And left unchecked, it can affect us so badly that we fail to function to the best of our abilities. I’m sure you’ve all had the “why bother?” moment at some stressful junction in your career. Continue reading