Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Negative Thinking

Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one you feed it more will rule over the other. ― Oscar Bimpong

Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Negative ThinkingAlex GendronThe mind plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the body. This serves as the control center that manages thoughts and emotions. It should be properly handled and taken cared of at all times to ensure its optimum performance.

People may go through several life-changing experiences that can greatly affect the well-being of the person. This may lead to either positive or negative thought. Positive vibes lead to a better and enhanced personality. However, negative thoughts may lead to stress and even depression. Continue reading

How to Manifest The Business of Your Dreams

manifest dream businessSince the movie The Secret came out, most people are familiar with the term “manifestation. “In case you haven’t heard of it yet, manifestation is the process of conceiving something out of nothing through the power of positive thinking. Manifestation is becoming more and more popular in mainstream culture, and if harnessed correctly, you can achieve incredible results with it.

As a business owner, manifestation can be one of the most powerful tools you have for creating the business of your dreams. Look no further than these useful tips for how to manifest the business of your dreams. Continue reading

Angel Messages For Sept 7 – 13, 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

It’s a week devoted to conscious manifestation, and if you do so, this can be an amazingly positive week. It’s about taking charge of your positive thinking, beginning with your first activities of the morning.

By mid-week, your positive outlook will be rewarded as long as you allow yourself to receive. In other words, you’ve got a lot of say-so about how this week goes.


We’ve got an upcoming Mercury Retrograde on September 17 that is already showing its shadow. But with a positive attitude and faith, these shadowy events quickly become filled with light and have happy outcomes.

This week, more than normal, keep the faith, invest in your spiritual practice, and stay positive. Continue reading

Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix?

Frank M. Wanderer – On a bleak weekday of your spiritual Journey you arrive home, full of stress and frustration, and open the mailbox. It is, as usual, full of advertisement brochures. You are about to throw them all in the dustbin, but what you read on the cover of one of them raises your attention. You read the following:

positive thinkingPositive thinking makes you happy! Happy, because you can always look at yourself like you are looking at a miracle. Positive thinking is the magnet of happiness. If you think of something, you will start attracting it. If your thoughts are beautiful, you will attract beautiful things, whereas if you are looking at the world pessimistically, your whole life will be a tragedy. Change it, and you will be happy!”

Yes, that is what is missing from your life: happiness! You read the rest of the text on the page with interest:

The five main points of positive thinking

  1.  I am existing in this world in order to fulfill my mission.
  2. I achieve what I really want–I want things that are positive for me and advance me in life.
  3. In the course of my development I need practice, experience and insight.
  4. I am able to convert my negative emotions and thoughts into positive ones.
  5.  I am capable of loving myself, even with my weaknesses and faults.

If you wish to experience these five points, your life will be happier, more wholesome and harmonic.

You are invigorated by what you have read, you believe that you are alive, first time for several days, and the world around you is beautiful. You decide that from now on you will think positively, and with the power of positive thinking you will be able to change your life.

Is That Really True?

We suggest that we should together have a closer look at those positive thoughts. Continue reading