How to Manifest The Business of Your Dreams

manifest dream businessSince the movie The Secret came out, most people are familiar with the term “manifestation. “In case you haven’t heard of it yet, manifestation is the process of conceiving something out of nothing through the power of positive thinking. Manifestation is becoming more and more popular in mainstream culture, and if harnessed correctly, you can achieve incredible results with it.

As a business owner, manifestation can be one of the most powerful tools you have for creating the business of your dreams. Look no further than these useful tips for how to manifest the business of your dreams.

Create a Vision Board

The first step is creating a vision of exactly what you hope to achieve. This is done by creating a visual representation of what you envision your life being with your dream business. A vision board can be done digitally by collecting various images you find online, or you can even use magazines and create a collage that you hang up somewhere that you look at every day. See everything from your business cards to your ATM machine, to the line of customers lining out the door. The more that you look at your vision board, the more that you will start to cultivate your vision.

It all comes down to the law of attraction. The more that your mind repetitively thinks about something and envisions it as if it has already happened, the more that the physical world will start to manifest that which you dream of.

Repeat a Mantra

In addition to a visual representation of your dream business, you should also reinforce your dreams verbally. Create a mantra that you say every day and repeat it as long as it takes. Your mantra should be encouraging and be said in the present tense as if it has already happened. For example, instead of saying “I hope to achieve a successful business” you say,  “I am so grateful that my dream business is thriving and successful.” If you can trick your mind into thinking that it already exists, then it will start to take form.

Be Grateful for Each New Achievement

Positivity is one of your greatest tools when it comes to manifestation. Instead of focusing on each setback you have throughout the process, instead, be grateful.  Gratitude is a powerful mindset that will invite even more positive moments into your life. Take time every day to consider everything you’re grateful for, and the world will start to reward you with even more offerings to be grateful for.


There are all sorts of resources online with manifestation meditations. Taking as little as ten minutes a day to turn on a guided meditation and envision your dream business can be incredibly productive. It’s as simple as looking on YouTube or Apple podcasts and searching for a guided meditation that helps you create the business you’ve always wanted.

Shift Frequency © 2021 – How to Manifest The
Business of Your Dreams

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