Radical Remembrance – August 2018 Astro-Energy Report

lifeSarah Varcas – August begins in the middle of an eclipse season which continues until the 15th. Last month was an intense journey for many, with solar and lunar eclipses challenging even the most balanced among us! As we embark on a new month we have one more solar eclipse to come on the 11th before things begin to ease.

Mars has been conjunct the South Node since the end of May, anchoring our attention in the past, rationalizing the adoption of old habits over new approaches and generally holding us back when we most needed to move forward. This has made recent weeks especially difficult as eclipse energies have demanded new responses while our instincts have told us security lies in the familiar.

This tie to the past weakens as August begins. For some it may feel like waking from a mysteriously seductive sleep in which reactions and behaviors have felt automatic and involuntary. From 5thAugust we should be far more present and better able to make informed decisions with clear intent rather than acting under the influence of unconscious impressions and emotions. Continue reading