Attracting a Healthy, Positive Tribe!

energyJennifer Cleveland – Sipping coffee, eating dark chocolates and sharing laughs with a friend in a super cute café this morning my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for the tribe I’ve attracted into my life these days… Unfortunately this wasn’t always the case.

In the past I’ve experienced friendships that have given me anxiety, stolen my energy and have even caused me depression. The Law of Attraction is all about energy and energy in contagious! When we surround ourselves with negative people they don’t contribute to our “life force energy.” Your “life energy” is precious and must be protected!

Here are a few tips on how you can use your vibe to attract a tribe of healthy, positive people that motivate and believe in you!

Stay Grounded

Sometimes it’s us that we need to work on and not our negative friendships. Before you go ditching all your friends make sure to take a look at your own attitude and helpfulness when it comes to your friendships. Constant drama, lies, broken plans and promises are all reasonable reasons to cut the cord but keep in mind that sometimes friends go through phases that aren’t entirely positive.

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, August 24, 2016

“Ocean View Beach, Virginia” – photographer Anna

Disseminating Moon in Taurus/Gemini 7:41 pm ET/11:41 pm UT: share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  discern and connect with your heart’s desires; step out of drama and observe like a wise owl in a tree

True Alignments:  ageless, comebacks, trailblazing, developments and achievements, confidence, visual and performing arts, imagination, the place of inner stillness, grounded, ancient sources of wisdom, patience

Catalysts for Change:  indecision, naïve, denial, projection of one’s feelings onto others, lack of common sense, feeling alone/lost, high drama, propaganda, rigid, dominating and controlling, bossing people around, compulsive consumption

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “an evening lawn party of adults”  (gathering, reflecting, expanded perceptions, ease)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the course of humanity’s renaissance)

Mars is riding shotgun with Saturn today, and early accounts indicate that the “show” is on.  From Monday’s Oracle Report:

“…the three-day march of Mars and Saturn as they make conjunction at 10 Sagittarius: “a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity.”  The aeon Sophia opens another scene in the narrative of her journey.  Archontic energies are re-called to her in great numbers.  This manifests for some with wild scenarios, actions, dramas, and power plays.  Warlike, aggressive, power-addicted, and controlling behavior can result.  This manifests for others with the rewards of reason, effort, perseverance, and wisdom.

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Sensitivity Protection

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well let’s see. We have been dealing with a bit of chaos and I’m going to say that this week I think my message is going to be about sensitivity. I’m tuning into many of the light workers and seeing a heightened sensitivity.

Remember please, to put your shields up or use your spiritual umbrella of protection. Essentially know that you’re going to be more sensitive than normal. Maybe for some of you this is a very short window and for others it goes a little past Fall Equinox, so into maybe September 23-24-25, somewhere in there.

So for some of you it will be more between this New Moon building up to the Full Moon here in August, so maybe till August 19-20. Keep in mind that everyone is a bit more sensitive now.

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Shattering Stress And Trauma, Returning To Energetic Wholeness

“May you reclaim all pieces of yourself and shine your wholeness to all corners of the world. May your being cocoon and transform into the butterfly of gold you always were and were always meant to be.” K Gallanti

WaterWithRainbowThere can be occasions in which situations can be so stressful to the point where one begins to break apart. This can be high conflict situations, karmic testing experiences, abusive dynamics with others or any situation that pushes us to the brink of our endurance. We all have a limit as to what we can withstand and when that limit is reached, we start to fragment. Children are particularly vulnerable to this, as their energy structure is still very delicate. But adults can break too, shattering under pressure, slipping into chaotic states or even having a nervous or physical breakdowns. There are systems in the body (adrenals, nervous systems, energy bodies) that can only take so much upheaval, after which they begin to also fall apart. We are tough beings, but we also have limits. Recognizing where those limits are and pulling back our energy for repair when nearing breach, is an important self-preservation move. Not having that self-preservation point, is often a sign of early experiences of neglect, where the child was not taught to take care of itself in appropriate ways.

In extreme times (and many are reporting going through extreme times, as we navigate the last stretch of the Pluto-Uranus energies, now inching towards their March grand finale), it is important to remember who you are energetically. Cut all energetic cords between self and the discordant situations or people, if any are part of the equation. Re-call all your light to yourself. Call back all the parts of the self that have been scattered from the stress or the pain. Call them back to the center and to the core of your being. Continue reading