The Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis Nexus: “Mental Disorders” Drives Big Pharma Profit And Social Control

psychiatryJoachim Hagopian – A century ago the fledgling, brand new “science” of psychology was still in the throes of struggling for cultural and academic recognition, acceptance and respect as the latest still unproven member of modern science.

The Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud was credited as the “father of psychoanalysis.” With Freud as psychology’s chief pioneer, the study of the mind and human behavior was then long on theory and short on practical, evidenced-based proof.

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Officials Declare ‘Eating Healthy’ a Mental Disorder

Could we all really be mentally ill?

WomanHealthyFoodGMOIn an attempt to curb the mass rush for food change and reform, psychiatry has green lighted a public relations push to spread awareness about their new buzzword “orthorexia nervosa,” defined as “a pathological obsession for biologically pure and healthy nutrition.” In other words, experts are moving toward saying that our demand for nutrient-dense, healthful food is a mental disorder that must be treated.

CNN, Fast Company, Popular Science, and other top outlets have all began to trumpet the talking points on cue relatively recently:

“Orthorexia nervosa is a label designated to those who are concerned about eating healthy. Characterized by disordered eating fueled by a desire for “clean” or “healthy” foods, those diagnosed with the condition are overly pre-occupied with the nutritional makeup of what they eat”.

In short, if you turn your back on low quality, corporate food containing known cancer causing toxic additives and a rich history of dishonesty rooted in a continuous “profits over people” modus operandi, then you may suffer from a mental illness. The cherry on top is that if you have the pseudo-science labeled disorder of orthorexia nervosa, you will be prescribed known toxic, pharmaceutical drugs from some of the same conglomerate corporations that you are trying to avoid by eating healthy in the first place. Continue reading

Dr. Ewen Cameron And Psychiatric Mind control

“There is absolutely nothing inherent in sub-atomic particles that would lead to a notion of free will.” – J Rappoport

Psychiatry_Cartoon“It’s important to understand that the professionals who put the most emphasis on the brain as the source of consciousness are also the people who drug it, sedate it, coerce it, and try to control it. They’re going mad trying to reduce life to purely physical terms. They’re agents of destruction.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

This is what happens when you put Materialists in charge of human life. They destroy themselves and everything around them. It’s their only option, because their understanding is Zero.

They’re trying to make thought and imagination and passion into material objects. Since that’s an absurdity, they do the only thing they can do: try to control those “objects.”

In this way, they become the perfect voluntary dupes for men who want control of the whole planet.

There is a whole brand of mind control that is little more than torture.

In other words, by inflicting duress, applying coercion, making threats, causing pain and disorientation, an “expert” can make a victim do and say many things. That’s no secret. There are obviously drugs and hypnotic techniques that will soften up a person and/or put him into tremendous confusion, where he is pliable. And microwaves create pain.

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Psychiatry: The Modern Priest-Class

 “Do people suffer, do they have problems, do they experience anguish and pain, do they make choices that sabotage their own interests, do they fall victim to external circumstances, do they long for relief? Of course. But this has nothing to do with fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses. It has to do with nutritional deficits, toxic drugs, toxic food and environmental chemicals, abuse, isolation, intimidation, and a whole host of other potential factors.” – J Rappoport

Psychiatry_CartoonIn this society, psychiatrists are the primary definers of mental states. Their efforts are accepted as official science.

The Psychiatric Political State is based on myths and fairy tales about distinct and separate disorders and “good treatment.”

One of the main psychiatric mantras gaining force? “Everyone at some time in their lives will experience a mental disorder.”

But an open secret has been slowly bleeding out into public consciousness for the past ten years.


And along with that:

All so-called mental disorders are concocted, named, labeled, described, and categorized by a committee of psychiatrists, from menus of human behaviors. Continue reading

Madness Incorporated: Are psychiatric diagnoses real? [Video]

psychiatric disordersFrom depression to bipolar disorder, we think psychiatric diagnoses are real. Yet many now argue that categories of mental illness have little basis in nature. Is it time to abandon psychiatry and its classifications? Would this usher in a new era of effective health care or cause widespread harm?

The Panel: Richard Bentall, Dinesh Bhugra, David Healy. Ritula Shah hosts.

President elect of the World Psychiatric Association Dinesh Bhugra, radical psychiatrist David Healy and clinical psychologist Richard Bentall debate the future of psychiatry.


Panelists – are psychiatric diagnoses real?

Richard Bentall is a clinical psychologist and author of Doctoring the Mind and Madness Explained, Richard Bentall is a leading critic of biological explanations of mental illness and the pharmaceutical industry. He teaches at the University of Liverpool.

Dinesh Bhugra President of the World Psychiatric Association, Dinesh Bhugra is professor of mental health at the Institute of Psychiatry, KCL specialising in cross-cultural psychiatry.

David Healey is Professor in Psychological Medicine and known for criticising a lack of neutrality regarding psychotropic drugs and his role in ‘Toronto Affair’ over academic freedom.

Ritula Shah is a regular presenter of The World Tonight and PM, she was Media Professional of the Year at the 2011 Asian Women of Achievement Awards.

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SF Source AIA-TV  Nov 5 2014