Psychiatry As Mystical Symbolism

Jon Rappoport July 31 2013

If you’re a propagandist, you’ll always be on the lookout for symbols that seem to have very specific meaning…but fade into obscurity and dead-end in a nowhere land.

Such symbols can snare many people and drag them into slave-camps of the mind.

If you want people to become far more ignorant than they already are, as well, you need look no further than the field of psychiatry, which is rife with useful symbols, which are…

The names of so-called mental disorders. There are about 300 in the official psychiatric bible. They appear to designate actual mental states, but upon close inspection, they’re empty of scientific meaning.

Pretending to represent erudite research, they impart gibberish.


An acceptance of these mental-disorder symbols automatically short-circuits any investigation of the mind’s true potential or power.

False map, no authentic territory, no treasure.

As a psychiatrist who left his profession in disgust once wrote me, “I was playing a shell game with my patients. I could label a person with one disorder, prescribe a drug, then follow up with a new drug, eventually diagnose a new disorder, combine drugs, adjust the dosages, and go on this way for many appointments. But all the labels were shams…”

They’re symbols. They appear to stand for something solid, but they don’t.

As I’ve shown in several articles, all so-called mental disorders are based on no definitive diagnostic tests. No saliva, no blood, no genes, no brain scans, for any of the 300 labels.

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The Secret At The Bottom Of Psychiatry’s Rabbit Hole

Jon Rappoport’s blog February 24 2013

American Psychiatric AssociationNightmares, out-of-control aggressive behavior, extreme sadness and passivity, confusion, hallucinations, mania, brain damage, suicide, homicide—these are just a few central effects of psychiatric drugs.

Read the staggering statistics reported by Robert Whitaker, the author of Mad in America: “The number of adults, ages 18 to 65, on the federal disability rolls due to mental illness jumped from 1.25 million in 1987 to four million in 2007. Roughly one in every 45 working-age adults is now on government disability due to mental illness.

“This epidemic has now struck our nation’s children, too. The number of children who receive a federal payment because of a severe mental illness rose from 16,200 in 1987 to 561,569 in 2007, a 35-fold increase.”

My exploration started in 1999, as I covered the Columbine school shooting.

I was already familiar with the pioneering work of Dr. Peter Breggin and his classic book, Toxic Psychiatry. I knew the drugs were toxic and that some of them could push people into violence.

It emerged that one of the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris, had been on Luvox, a violence-inducing drug, an SSRI antidepressant.

This, of course, was very troubling, because children and adults all over America were taking these antidepressants. And in Dr. Breggin’s book, I saw a summary of a review-study on Ritalin, done in 1986 by Joseph Scarnati. Ritalin, far from being a “soft” drug, was essentially speed, and it carried with it significant dangers.

It could cause hallucinations, aggressive behavior, and even psychotic breaks. Several million children in America were taking Ritalin.

What I came to call a “Johnny Appleseed specter” loomed over America. If psychiatrists dispensed enough of these drugs, seeding the population, we would be in for random shootings and killings and suicides on into the indefinite future. And psychiatrists were, in fact, handing out these drugs like candy. No one at the FDA or any enforcement government agency was ringing alarm bells.

In the wake of Columbine, I wrote a white paper, “Why Did they Do It: School Shootings Across America,” for The Truth Seeker. It gained wide online attention. The report mentioned other instances where children, on psychiatric drugs, had committed murder and suicide.

In the ensuing years, I became much more aware of the influence of drug companies in this Johnny Appleseed operation. They had, in fact, struck a deal to rescue the sinking profession of psychiatry. The arrangement was simple and potent: Big Pharma would bankroll psychiatric conferences and education, prop up flagging journals with advertising money, and generally promote the repute of psychiatry, in return for a certain kind of research:

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10-Point Model For A Mental Health System That Works

NaturalNews | December 19 2012

HealthThe mental health system in America is an embarrassing failure. Here is an outline of principles upon which a new one might be based. Did I miss anything? Add your ideas and constructive criticism in the comments, please.

1. Regulated by the people, not government

Who determined that government was an effective regulator of mental health? It was a triad of sorts, a collusion of pharmaceutical giants, the American Psychiatric Association and the FDA.

The entire process is documented in the history of psychiatry by well-known psychiatric reformer Peter Breggin, MD and other concerned activist organizations.

The point here is, government “regulation” has wreaked havoc on the nation’s mental health, sponsoring the mass drugging of American citizens (including children), psych-ward torture chambers in which innocent people’s brains have been shocked into oblivion, erasing decades of memory on some occasions.

Of course, incarceration in a mental hospital leaves some hapless victims open to kidnapping and Mafioso style medical experiments. No one can advocate for these lost souls and the government has been known to take advantage of that.

People – real, caring people – need to regulate mental health in America; people who want to make a career out of helping others and can use their resources and connections to find a way to do so. This would most likely take place on a small scale, through local organizations. Read more under point #10.

2. Decisions by people, not accountants

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Psychiatry: The True Shadow Government [Video]

ConnectTheBlots | July 23 2012

It takes corrupt minds to establish a Federal Reserve, to execute a holocaust, to forward racism propaganda from past to present, to call for mandatory mental screening and mass psychiatric “medicating” of a society. All the while, running the show through mass-media-mind-programming geared towards unawareness and quite frankly… slavery. Who corrupts these minds? Who whispers in the ears of the “world elite” while hiding behind pillars in the halls of your nation’s capitol?

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