Merging The Higher And Lower Selves

selfMorgan Lee – Since the 1st of March 2018, when many experienced either consciously or unconsciously significant embodiment, expansion, or a leap in consciousness, most are becoming aware of experiencing a major alignment or merging of the higher self and the lower self.

This is creating some moments of major confusion for some. Times of bliss, joy and happiness in flow one moment, and shifting into total doubt or anxiety the next. Often wondering what on earth is going on. Like living in 5D for a few days, only to fall into 3D wondering if everything experienced so far, was even real at all.

It can also feel like having two programs or software running alongside of each other. The old programs still trying to run the show, at times and the new program/ software slowly taking over. Continue reading


“Who we are being is the life we are living.”

Lethal Earth

lifeIam Saums – We live in a gigantic bubble. The earth’s atmosphere is its boundary. Our world is rife with toxicity. Be it chemtrails laced with heavy metal concoctions, electromagnetic antennas posing as cell phone towers, chemically-riddled food and soda or fluoridated water, we are constantly being dosed. We live in hostile environments both contaminated and fatal. It is not just the impacts to our body. Social pollution distorts and manipulates our mind, heart and our relationship with our soul. Humanity’s way of life has become lethal to itself and nature.

Biological Fallout

We are anesthetized, desensitized and mesmerized through our participation in a noxious society. Reality is engineered to stimulate a consistent diet of physical, mental and emotional “dis” ease. It disrupts and distorts our innate ability to establish and maintain a relation with our intuition, separating ourselves from our soul. Simply living a relatively healthy life is a constant battle. We are besieged with an onslaught of anxiety, confusion, delusion and fear. Our social dynamic is one of criticism, judgement and self-righteousness. Human nature has been altered into a desire to receive instead of a need to give. Continue reading

Your real purpose

The Angels – Never in your life are you without purpose. While there is great value in “seeking your purpose” know that your real purpose here on earth is to see love, be love, and express the love that sources you in each breath. It really is that simple. In the moments you are doing this, you will feel that your life is joyful, meaningful, purposeful, and expansive.

While having a role you love, performing actions that feel ‘significant,’ or leaving a legacy may be expressions of your deeper purpose (to see love, be love, express love), they are not required to live a life that feels meaningful and rich with purpose.

You can humbly garden all day, and still find a purpose in being at peace. You can watch the clouds and feel that your purpose is to embrace stillness. You can help one person by opening a door and know that your life had meaning this day. You can take one small self criticism and turn it to love, and know that there is great purpose in that act for your soul. Continue reading

Breathe Deeply Into Knowing


Veronica – To all who are wondering why they are here, we say breathe deeply into the knowing.

Do not slip into the judgement of those who simply do not know.

Recognize your being for what it is, special. Yes, we said special. no other explanation will do.

You did not come here for the opinion of others. You did not come here to sit idle in the corner as others proceed past you to their own destiny.

You are the only one who can bring forth your gifts. The only one who can understand the purpose of your existence. The others are simply bystanders. With love, send them on their own path.

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Living Life On Purpose

eclipseSarah Varcas – Occurring a day before the next eclipse season begins (19th August – 23rd September), this Full Moon is an ‘almost-but-not-quite’ lunar eclipse, giving it greater influence and a stronger ‘edge’ against which to hone our awareness. Eclipse seasons are powerful things, to be honoured with our full attention, deepest respect and steadfast commitment to respond to their gifts and graces, challenges and obstacles. They kick-start otherwise lagging change, up-turn certainties and awaken issues and themes which shape the following six months.

If we pay attention during these times we may well discover the deepest truths of our lives and receive the most influential and personal guidance. Think of them as a cosmic crash course in what our life is really about, minus all the fluff and bluster we add to it on a daily basis! For this reason, a Full Moon occurring just prior to the beginning of an eclipse season is of particular note, for it comes as a wake-up call that something of great import is in the air.

If this Full Moon closely aspects a natal planet we may well experience it as carrying much of the power and potential of an eclipse even though it doesn’t quite ‘make the grade’ in that respect. In any event, this Full Moon raises issues which will impact the coming eclipse season and offers guidance to bear in mind throughout the coming weeks.

In Aquarius, it illuminates mental habits and unconscious tendencies which keep us stuck in rigid patterns of thought, belief and behaviour. If we’ve been wondering why we can’t seem to get it together and do what’s needed to make that long overdue change, it reveals how we keep ourselves in chains, blinkered to truths just outside our awareness and mired in self-sabotage. It may be a rude awakening, especially if the stark lunar light reveals it is we who have painted ourselves into a corner, not external circumstances conspiring against us.

Whilst such insights are a bitter pill to swallow, this is just the first stage: a nudge from the universe to embrace our past selves, not chastise them. Self-blame will get us nowhere, so whatever comes to light around the time of this Full Moon must be met by a gentle and loving heart, not a hardened and critical one.

This Moon may come with loneliness, a sense of being misunderstood. If we can resist taking things too personally it will go a long way to not letting these feelings rule the day and create mountains out of molehills!

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