There Is A Feeling Deep Within

puzzleVeronica – There is a feeling deep within all of you that knows what your purpose is within a life. Most spend much time attempting to put all pieces of the puzzle together to know what that is.

Some find that they are missing a few key pieces. Some try to remember exactly where the puzzle is. Others drop the puzzle unknowingly and scramble to retrieve all the work now lost due to the fumbled dropped puzzle.

It does seem endless, this search for the connection between one’s personal view and the bigger picture. The important thing is to be patient with the self as you journey forward towards who you are.

We have been told by some incarnates that it all would be a whole lot easier if one could simply remember past experience and the moments in-between. It is, however, a lot of information that would most likely confuse rather than validate. Yes, many do remember, but the path to one’s purpose can be daunting.

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3 Reasons Why Our Awakening Will Have Nothing To Do With, Or Result In A Revolution

Michael Forrester – The non-sociological definition of a revolution and the one most people are familiar with is “the forcible overthrow and thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.” If you ask most people involved in the truth and freedom movement, they’ll likely tell you that a coming revolution of this kind is inevitable. However, there are many reasons why the majority of the world will not move in this direction…here are three reasons why.

1. Non-Compliance

peopleThe political events that have recently transpired are giving us a glimpse of dramatic acts which have sparked a cascade of protests and unrest. Although the superficial impression portrayed by the media is violence and chaos, there is so much more occurring.

Collective consciousness has finally penetrated through the false paradigm of our society. The power of the people in unified purpose is now dictating the pace to prevent further oppression and suppression of truth.

People are realizing that they do not have to comply with government and their outrageous lies and deceit. They are realizing that the only way for a sustainable future to exist is to self-govern and release the old conventional mentality of a government ruling the people since it never really was about people ruling their government.

More people are learning to turn off their televisions, think for themselves, question authority, get out of debt, meditate, start their own garden, reduce stress, etc. Continue reading

Discover the Thing You Were Born For in 5 Easy Steps

Lately I’ve given up gazing into the navel of enlightenment. There’s only so long you can talk about waking up without boring or repeating yourself.

What has captured my imagination (other than the wonder and awe of an increasingly non-ordinary life) is the question of purpose. I’ve always intuited that being born came with hidden mission instructions, that my being alive as a woman in the 21st century is not a random event without meaning. That applies to you too. We are all here, for a reason.

purposeOne of the objections I often hear from people is that purpose is a luxury item for those with idle time and ample money. And to a degree, that is true. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, purpose would be at the top of the pyramid, once the basic needs are met. Let’s face it, if you are struggling to survive, thriving is not on the table.

But most of us in the first world live with the possibility of self-actualization. Yet we also exist in a state of persistent amnesia rooted in a disconnect from our soul. We wander like sleepwalkers through the years allotted us, never stopping to wonder not only “Who am I really?” but also “Why am I here?” And while ultimately, we are all here for the grand purpose of remembrance (of the infinite divinity we are) there is in each of us a call to a unique expression of this divinity in the world.

This quote by modern dance pioneer Martha Graham says it all: “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.” Continue reading

Nira Lall ~ Stop Demonizing The Ego!

“Shunning the Ego is unhealthy and can lead to serious emotional, mental, spiritual, and even physical problems. The “darker” aspects of ourselves cannot be sustainably bypassed. We cannot “go around” our problematic thoughts and behaviours.” – N Lall

Something has been on my mind for a while and it’s time to let it out.

Most places I look in the mind-body-spirit communities there is a straight up vilification of the Ego. Our Ego is portrayed as this elusive evil part of us that makes us do bad things. We’re told to “kill the ego” and think happier more beautiful thoughts.

I completely agree that it can be very counter-productive to ruminate in negative emotions and thoughts. I also believe that true, authentic well-being involves accepting the whole of oneself with deep reverence and compassion. How can we completely disown the Ego – which IS a part of us – and then expect to feel whole, complete, and joyful?!

This doesn’t even compute.

The Ego’s purpose is to ensure that we survive. When this part of us feels threatened, the Ego will resort to behaviours and patterns that we have learned throughout our lives to help us cope. This often involves the uprising of emotions and thoughts that induce fear, competition, and so on. Continue reading

Finding The Hidden Gift In Chaos

Every now and then life twists and turns with all the grace of a roller coaster half off the rails. Things feel perilous, unpredictable and wobbly. And that’s just your life. Never mind the recent uptick in conflict simmering in geo-political hot spots like the Ukraine, the middle-east and riot-ridden Ferguson, Missouri.

Feature Image: Flickr/Kristaps Bergfelds
Feature Image: Flickr/Kristaps Bergfelds

Add to this, the astrological crunch of Mars (warrior) and its impending impact (conjunction) with Saturn (status quo) on Aug 25th and you get the recipe for a catalytic breakdown-to-breakthrough both out there, and in here.

I have been watching with interest how my inner landscape remains a muted version of the cacophony around me. Yet I have friends who are ready to jump ship—from their marriage, their careers, their homes—from anything that feels constraining, even if that jumping means swimming in waters that are completely unknown.

This urge for momentous personal change that seems to be storming through people’s psyches is more accurately an unleashed desire for transformation. What is being stoked by inner and outer chaos is the impetus to shed the old skin, leaving the dry husk of our finite identity behind for our boundless true self.  Simply, the craziness around us is a call to discover the sanity inside of us. Continue reading