A Lesson In Time

Beacons Of Light | November 19 2012

Greetings from Home ~ Awakening the Child Within

EinsteinThis day has created a new vibration. You are all acclimating yourself to it in a new way, for you have opportunities that you have not had before. It is an opportunity for you to change your perceptions, to shift your energy and look at things differently. You all seem to be healers in some way, and most of you have helped others to go back and find the origin of their problems. It is very simple, dear ones. Most of your experiences happen first in childhood or even in adolescence, as it is very easy to scar a human psyche when you are young because you are getting to know yourself. Many of you have discovered ways of returning to what your original intent was during those times of misdirection. Why would you misdirect yourself? Why would anyone do so? Certainly it is not done intentionally. Misdirection often happens with knowledge. For instance, you see an open door and the handle looks very inviting. So, you push the door open further, simply step in and say, “This feels good for now. I will go forward.” Well, humans are adapters. You step into something new and rather than say, “Eww, this does not feel good,” you adapt yourselves and soon you are adjusting everything around you. You say, “Okay, I moved this over here and that over there, so now it feels comfortable.” What you do not always realize is that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of your energy to play this game, which makes it more difficult in many aspects.

So, what would it take for you to return to the perceptions you held when you were a child? What would it take to re-member? Of course, your life has changed and you have evolved greatly since then. We do not expect you to go back to who you were as a child or even pretend to be that again. You now have an opportunity to re-member what your perception was when you took that original sidestep, the first time that you opened a new door and decided to go through it. Suddenly you find yourself way down the hallway very invested in your journey and your travel. You are far too invested to turn around and go back, and so you are adapting everything. “Oh, this is not what I expected, so I will adapt and harmonize it.” Well, you are getting very good at that. Now, what about re-membering where you were originally going and your original intent? That is one of the key pieces that will help all of you to return to this. You are the greatest beings that have ever walked the Earth. Never doubt that. You can turn around and see behind you the generations that have gone before you, even within your own family. You can see how the vibrational levels have risen over all of humanity as you have evolved. It is grand indeed. It is beyond your understanding that we always celebrate your evolution on the other side. We are excited to watch as you evolve to where you can actually perceive us without the channels and hear us all in your own heart. That is coming for each and every one of you…doubt it not. It is absolutely what you have asked for and there is only one answer to what god asked for – and so it is. It is very simple. Whatever it is that you decide, you harmonize what is out there and it is created in a new way.

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The Duality Dilemma

Dr. Sheri Rosenthal | Thanks, Annette

As an ex-physician and scientist, I find it exciting to see spirituality and quantum mechanics physics melding into one in recent years. Of course intellectually we can acknowledge they have always been one — in the same way that we can all agree that duality is simply illusion. However, as much as we can understand the concept of duality and discuss it at dinner parties and such, we still find it hard to not be attached to its existence in our daily lives.

Werner Heisenberg, one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics (remember the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?) and Nobel Prize winner (for physics in 1932) once said: The common division of the world into subject and object, inner world and outer world, body and soul is no longer adequate. As spiritual warriors, how do we see this powerful observation?

Today, more than ever, I feel we have a clear understanding that these divisions exist solely within the conceptual structure of our minds. Indeed, we possess the ultimate power and capability to eliminate those divisions and change our reality. However, if we do not take the action to embrace our birthright of infinite awareness, we will live and die in an illusion feeling victimized by the “outer world” and life circumstances.

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The Self Aware Universe [Audio]

RedIceRadio | August 13 2012

Amit Goswami, Ph. D. is a retired theoretical physics professor, a senior resident researcher at the world-renowned Institute of Noetic Sciences and a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called “science within consciousness.” Goswami is the author of the textbook Quantum Mechanics that is used in universities throughout the world and has also written many books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. Amit appeared in the film, What the Bleep Do We Know, The Dalai Lama Renaissance, and the award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist. We’ll go all across the board and discuss quantum consciousness, dimensional overlaps, interdimensional beings, artificial intelligence, hallucinogens, teleportation and much more. Amit explains how quantum consciousness could solve the world’s problems.

Quantum Tunneling Across The Zero-Point Field

“Observing Light SOURCE creates quantum tunneling across the zero-point field, which results in non-local awareness.” – Skip” Atwater, Research Director, The Monroe Institute

FlowerOfLife1Quantum tunneling is a micro and nanoscopic phenomenon in which a particle violates principles of classical mechanics by penetrating or passing through a potential barrier or impedance higher than the kinetic energy of the particle. A barrier, in terms of quantum tunneling, may be a form of energy state analogous to a “hill” or incline in classical mechanics, which would suggest that passage through or over such a barrier would be impossible without sufficient energy. However, because of differences in terms of scale and interaction between quantum and classical mechanics, practical applications of the latter would be inaccurate.

On the quantum scale, objects exhibit wave-like behavior; in quantum theory, quanta moving against a potential energy “hill” can be described by their wave-function, which represents the probability of finding that particle in a certain location at either side of the “hill”. If this function describes the particle as being on the other side of the “hill”, then there is the probability that it has moved through, rather than over it, and has thus “tunneled“.

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