Reasons We Should All Be Pluviophiles

rainNikki Harper – As a Brit, I can vouch for the fact that small talk about the weather, and in particular moaning about the rain, is indeed a national pastime.

When you need to make polite conversation with someone next to you in the queue, a wry observation about how you might have to swim home if it carries on like this is a sure-fire way to oil the wheels of social niceties. Beyond the quirks of British culture, however, many people – at least those who live in climates which don’t suffer droughts – seem to genuinely dislike the rain.

A quick survey of friends, family and associates on how they feel about the rain brings up a typical cross-section of comments. “It’s so depressing.” “I hate it when it’s so grey and miserable.” “It’s just a pain, you can’t get out and enjoy the garden”. “Ugh, cold and wet. What happened to summer?”

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JoeTouchstone ~ DIY Rainwater Catchment System

“Did you know that 30,000 to 60,000 people in Hawaii depend on rainwater for survival?” J Touchstone

RainwaterHarvestingDid you know that if you have 1,000 square feet of roof and it rains an inch or two one day, that one rainfall  has provided you with 600-1,200 gallons of water falling from your roof?

Here’s how to make use of all that water!

What You’ll Get Below

– Videos on how to build a rainwater catchment system

– Important things to avoid when building your system

– Methods of storing, testing, and purifying that water

Here we go!

In a SHTF scenario, having a rainwater catchment system will benefit you and your family in several obvious, and not-so-obvious ways.

Obvious and Not-So-Obvious Benefits 

We need water to drink, cook, bathe, clean, and grow crops, edible plants, and livestock. Obvious ways.

But if the grid goes down and stays down, how valuable will that rainwater catchment system, and all the potable water it provides, be?

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Rain Barrel Systems How To – Every Homeowner Should Be Using a Rain Barrel!

barrel Rain barrel systems are a great way to save money on your water bill, and help save our Earth’s natural resources.

Rain barrels catch rain water from your roof. These barrels can be used to water your gardens, shrubs, trees, and even your lawn.

The systems are a very cheap DIY project to build on your own. You can also purchase pre-made systems. Some of the pre-made systems are very decorative as well. If you live in an area where you have a home owners association, you may have to clear a rain barrel system first.

A simple 50 gallon food grade barrel with a spout on the bottom is all you need for a rain barrel collection system.

Place the rain barrel under a corner of your roof to catch the most rain water. You can hook a gutter system to your rain barrel to catch even more water.

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