You are Divinely Guided and Deeply Loved

Jafree Ozwald January 18 2014


You can relax now and stop worrying about everything. You are destined to have the most amazing life experiences imaginable. There are also many powerful enlightened loving beings coming your way to assist you. Your future is bright and totally flawless. Yes, your future is incredible! It is brighter than 10,000 suns! No matter what has happened in your past, you my friend, are destined for an unforgettable and amazing future.

“Why are you so afraid of the world. The fear of the world is really fear of love.” ~Osho

The greatest truth is that you are divinely guided through this great journey called life by a higher Presence and purpose. You are just going to feel more successful, experience more love, become more abundant, have deeper peace, and feel more joy, bliss and freedom than ever before. Your life and your future is only going to get better and better and better! Accept this by taking a deep breath and inhale this information into your heart right now. Focus on feeling this expansive positive heart-felt future the first thing when you wake up each morning. Explore this sensation as reverently as you would care for your first new born child. This life is about learning how to let go of control…and letting in more gentleness and love. Just imagine that you inherited a magical pot of gold that is always pouring infinite great riches into your life everyday.

“Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings.” ~ Albert Einstein

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Our Enlightened New World


Jafree Ozwald – You may have already sensed that a New World is coming into each of our personal lives. If you stop and truly pay attention, you can feel it. As everything continues moving faster and faster we cannot help but wake up and realize our divine infinite potentiality. We are each being pulled, cajoled, and summoned to spiritually awaken by the people and global events around us. Our planets economic, political and environmental shifts are our “wake up calls”, forcing us to individually turn inwards, and create a more sensitive, loving, and conscious approach to life. This deeper sensitivity has in turn awakened a new kind of human being inside all of us. A being who is attuned to their natural divine state within, guided by their intuition, and enlightened by their own individual consciousness.

“The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses. All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself.” ~Osho

As the world continues to wake us up, the number of enlightened beings will naturally multiply and collectively in time create a New World. This global enlightenment will create a foundation of peace for this planet for the first time in many millennia. Our planet is about to give birth to billions of heart centered open minded people, and nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride!!
The experience of world peace is only created by a massive movement of individual inner peace. This global feeling of peace occurs when the “hundredth monkey” wakes up to recognize that inside is something exquisite, unlimited in potential, and truly Divine. The massive spiritual awakening is also based on a scientific evidence of a true energetic shift in our physical environment.

Astronomers have calculated that by Solstice on December 21st 2012, there will be a cosmic perfect alignment of our planet Earth, our Sun, and the very center of our Milky Way galaxy. This is the exact date that the ancient 26,000 year Mayan calendar predicted that the New World will “officially” begin. Many of you are already awake, and are here to simply assist the rest of the planet by being a guiding light for their spiritual awakening.

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Relax…You Have Already Arrived

Jafree Ozwald  September 4 2013

Most people have spent lifetimes seeking, yearning, and hoping for that special “something or someone” to show up before they can relax and be truly happy. There is always that bigger and better something or someone showing up someday, so the desiring machine inside you never becomes satisfied. It is only knows three things…wanting, wanting, and more wanting. If you’ve become wrapped up in a constant state of desiring that better relationship, that bigger bank account, that skinnier body in the future (or whatever the mind is addicted to), you might want to see what you’re really experiencing on the inside and actually manifesting on the outside.

“Outwardness of the mind is suffering…inwardness is happiness.” ~Ramana

The energy of desire is not a bad thing. It just creates a false sensation of lack within. The desire to pay your bills and feed your family might be something that helps you spring out of bed each morning, yet if it has become the main carrot that drives your entire life purpose and mission, it is blinding you from seeing why you are truly here. I invite you to try on something very radical today. Perhaps the most radical experiment you’ll do in your entire life. For one hour, don’t desire anything. Try it! Step away from the desiring mind by calling off the perpetual search addicted to wanting, yearning, and hoping. That special “something or someone” will find you much easier. By putting your attention on what permanently satisfies your soul, you become a magnet for manifesting all of your desires instantly.

“There’s no way to freedom. A ‘way’ means you have to start from somewhere and arrive somewhere. This is the deception of the mind. You don’t have to go anywhere to find freedom. Forget about finding your way, you are already That which you are seeking.” ~Papaji

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The Miraculous Power Of Patience

J. Ozwald & M. Zaher February 3 2013

Benjamin FranklinThere is a perfect timing within everything. Within every thought, feeling and action there is a divine alignment to the cycles of the seasons, planets, stars, and galaxies. One cannot hurry the ripening process of a fruit, force a baby to develop faster, nor increase the planet’s momentum around our Sun. The planet is moving through space around the Sun at the perfect speed of 67,000 mph. We wouldn’t want it to move faster or slower since it would throw everything off balance. We are part of a vast Universe that is carefully orchestrated with the most Divine Perfection. Once we are tuned into this perfection that is already here now, our lives emulate a divine synchronicity everywhere we are.

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

The tomato falls naturally from the vine when it is ripe, and just like you, it naturally knows when to hold on and when to let go. When you learn to live each moment relaxed in your body, you naturally live in divine harmony with the Universe. Your entire energy field opens up and you become receptive to whatever the Universe brings your way. Through deep relaxation there is a sense of acceptance, and a deep feeling of being in alignment with everything. Relaxation is simply practicing, “Being With What Is” whether it’s your innermost thoughts about you, or your ideas about the outer world. Through relaxing, you naturally become patient and are in tune with the cosmic timing behind everything and can truly see that the world is perfect just the way it is.

“He that can have Patience, can have what he will” ~Benjamin Franklin

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How To Manifest Anything Through Your Oceanic Existence

Jafree Ozwald | November 18 2012

“Be not bewildered. Do not strain yourself to understand all life’s mysteries at once. Accept each one as it comes and fit it into the jigsaw puzzle, knowing that bit by bit each piece will be shown to you and will fit into place perfectly.” ~Eileen Caddy

The Universe is a cosmic soup of pure energy and consciousness which we are all intimately connected with. Everything is made of energy. Your house, your body, the air you’re breathing, and the ground your home stands on is all pure energy vibrating at various speeds and densities. It has the appearance of being solid and unmovable, yet this is the greatest illusion of all. Once you crack through this illusion and know the energetic truth of reality, you start feeling the interconnected nature of everything and can start manifesting anything you want at pure will. You can ask the conscious Oceanic existence for something specific to form for you, and it will soon fulfill your request because it doesn’t feel you as a separate living entity anymore. The more you relax and merge with the Ocean the more you can see how your beliefs intimately create your reality.

The reason you can manifest anything and everything you can imagine is because the Ocean is always listening to you. Your innermost desires, thoughts and intentions are generated within the Ocean, by the Ocean and you are never ever separate from it. You are like a drop of water that has believed it was a snowflake, cold distant and separate from the vast cosmic loving Ocean. The truth is you cannot separate anything from the infinite Ocean of the Universe. It is intimately a part of you and you are intimately a part of it forever.

Being non-separate from the Universe means there is only one vast consciousness. There truly is no plural to consciousness, there is only one Ocean of consciousness and we are all swimming in that. There of course is the illusion of a separated individuated self, an ego with boundaries, fears, limitations and worries, yet you cannot take this personally. It is a purposeful delusion your soul set up and is meant to propel you deeper into merging with the Oceanic existence within you. If you don’t relax and merge, you soon begin suffering in some way. This is the Universe’s way of providing loving “feedback”, assisting you to move deeper to the core of your being which is the most enlightened direction you can go.

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