The Outrageous Power Of The Blue Room

Jafree Ozwald | November 16 2012

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein

Blue Room

Most people don’t understand how powerful they are. Often they think that everything in their world happens “to them” and not “for them”. They don’t realize how the things in their life simply “show up” from their own creative thinking. Some people believe that when something miraculous or unexplainable occurs, that they had no apparent say in the manifestation of it at all. The bigger truth is far from it, and now science is backing it up. We are constantly having an impact on our world and the situations and things we manifest through the ideas we choose to visualize and hold our attention upon. We are perpetual participants in the co-creation of our everyday realities. Every thought you are thinking is like a magnet, pulling towards you that which you want or what you don’t want to occur.

Over the past 500 years, science and spirituality have been seen as separate fields of study and just recently they are finally merging to reveal the greatest secret in history. The quantum scientists of today have come to prove through a new lineage of quantum physics that our thoughts are actual powerful “things” that physically effect the world around us. They have proven that we are natural manifesting beings who are always impacting the world around us. Two of the most important facts that these modern day geniuses have derived are:

1. Every subatomic particle in the Universe is connected to all the particles in a holographic matrix and energetic field.

2. You physically change the existence, behavior and direction of subatomic particles depending on where you’re focusing your attention.

This means that wherever you are focusing your consciousness is where you’re creating your world. When you visualize and feel something happening on your inner world, you are actually directly impacting the energetic particles on some level in your outer world! Everything is energetically connected and you cannot stop impacting the quantum particles around you with your mind. The real questions to ask yourself now are, “What thoughts are you choosing to think? Are you focusing on what you want or want you don’t want?”

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How To Free Yourself From Personal Drama

Jafree Ozwald | November 6 2012

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. ” ~ Ramana Maharshi

There is this incredible film that has been out for a while now called, “The Amazing Life of ____.” And guess what? You are the main star of it! Yes, you’ve single handedly produced this movie, directed the entire show, set the stage, hired the entire cast, all the while you’re playing the lead part. Wow, you must be amazingly talented! There may have been only one tiny little issue along the way. When you were designing this movie, acting out the scenes on stage, choosing your cast, you started feeling all the intense drama about your production, and we think you might have contracted a bit of amnesia. You may have forgotten that you are playing an imaginary role, on a temporary stage that you set up in this blockbuster motion picture.

Sometimes when we’ve been playing a certain role for sooooo long, we forget that its just one little part in the bigger play. Anytime that you get wrapped up in your personal drama about this show, you always have the option to step off the stage, sit down, say NO to all the hype, and begin watching from the seats in the back of the theatre. Whenever you feel the movie of your life has become too dramatic and not so enjoyable, you can remember that you have the choice to unplug the projector, turn down the volume on the audio, and take a peaceful walk out in nature.

On your walk, think about how all of the drama you’ve experienced inside this main lead actor in your life’s movie is not real. You have simply over-identified with the painful thoughts and feelings, simply because things didn’t turn out exactly the way your ego wanted them to go. Any over-identification with the role you’re playing in the movie of your life is what causes all your suffering. If you try to run away and escape from this role, you might spend many years in hiding, feeling lost and confused about what’s the true movie script for you.

“What is it that is listening? What is it that is feeling? Feel it. Sense it. Welcome it.” ~ Adyashanti

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The Blue Room Revisited

Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein

Most people don’t understand how powerful they are.  Often they think that everything in their world happens “to them” and not “for them”.  They don’t realize how the things in their life simply “show up” from their own creative thinking.  Some people believe that when something miraculous or unexplainable occurs, that they had no apparent say in the manifestation of it at all. The bigger truth is far from it, and now science is backing it up.  We are constantly having an impact on our world and the situations and things we manifest through the ideas we choose to visualize and hold our attention upon.  We are perpetual participants in the co-creation of our everyday realities.  Every thought you are thinking is like a magnet, pulling towards you that which you want or what you don’t want to occur.

Over the past 500 years, science and spirituality have been seen as separate fields of study and just recently they are finally merging to reveal the greatest secret in history. The quantum scientists of today have come to prove through a new lineage of quantum physics that our thoughts are actual powerful “things” that physically effect the world around us.  They have proven that we are natural manifesting beings who are always impacting the world around us.  Two of the most important facts that these modern day geniuses have derived are:

  1. Every subatomic particle in the Universe is connected to all the particles in a holographic matrix and energetic field.
  2. You physically change the existence, behavior and direction of subatomic particles depending on where you’re focusing your attention.

This means that wherever you are focusing your consciousness is where you’re creating your world.  When you visualize and feel something happening on your inner world, you are actually directly impacting the energetic particles on some level in your outer world!  Everything is energetically connected and you cannot stop impacting the quantum particles around you with your mind.  The real questions to ask yourself now are, “What thoughts are you choosing to think?  Are you focusing on what you want or want you don’t want?”

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