Focus on the blossoms amidst the thorns

loveThe Angels – When you walk past a rose bush, do you admire the rose or complain about the thorns? Typically you’d only notice the thorns if you ran right into them. Most of you would simply be drawn to the beauty of the rose.

If you were a gardener pruning the branches, you’d be aware of the thorns, but you wouldn’t curse them for being there. You would instead, cut away the dead wood, trim off the expired flowers, and simply be careful not to catch yourself on a thorn. The beauty of the blossoms would make this extra effort worth your time and energy. Continue reading

Wake Up and Accept Your Power

powerBrenda Hoffman – You likely have difficulties declaring yourself free of logical fears you experienced in 3D, but illogical now.

Since you can create what you need when you need it, there is no fear you cannot overcome. You are the power of you. No one can take away that power or your independence.

Many of you believe your government is making you do something. Or your boss or mate is forcing you to be someone. NO! There is no other answer we, of the Universes, can give you other than, “NO!” You are free. Continue reading

Create a Hot, Healthy, Higher Relationship (2 of 2)

“I love me when I’m with you.”

loveJim Self – When these two whole, balanced individuals enter into an intimate relationship, much about it is different from relationships experienced in the dense, rigid third dimension. They enter it with well-practiced energy tools, plus a more balanced, personal commitment to their own growth and their service to humanity. They both continue to grow and develop a whole and successful Me Bubble while allowing and respecting the experience of others.

Third-dimensional feelings of love are, many times, attached to the individual’s need for something external. “I love him because he takes out the garbage. They care for the children. She makes money for us to live. She is smart. They say they love me.” Continue reading

The Inner Love Flow

loveWe seem to be always looking for love, and we especially want and expect it from our fellow human beings: as a child, from our parents, and later in life, from our partner. The latter, in particular, often turns out to be a disappointment, which in many cases leads to bitter reproaches. Divorces are often accompanied by tremendous hatred and resentment; people feel betrayed. The partner did not give us the love we thought we were entitled to, and now, apparently, we are without love.

Why do we need that love from the other so badly? Is it because we are unable to give ourselves love? Apparently, we are not very good at doing that, otherwise many divorces would be a lot less dramatic. Continue reading

Being In Relationship

relationshipVeronica – In your current culture there is a thread of thought that supports unconditional love and participation.  It is spoken of with great emphasis that one must love another without boundaries.  However, most relationships tend to create boundaries naturally, causing the ability to participate without conditions a bit of a problem.

Being in a relationship always has challenges.  Being open without conditions should be at the top of the list.  Often it is not.  In the rush to satisfy oneself, the adherence to no conditions can be extremely difficult to achieve. Continue reading