Reinventing and Rediscovering Yourself After a Divorce

divorceYou’ve signed the papers and officially marked the end of a relationship you hoped to savor for the rest of your life. Whether you were married for months or decades, have children or do not, divorce is a roller-coaster of emotions for even the most level-headed individuals.

Irrespective of how and why things got to where they are today, one decision you have to make is where your life goes from here. You must reinvent and rediscover yourself if you want to pick up the pieces and move on.

Mourn Freely

Hardly anyone gets married with the intention of separating from their partner someday. Certain circumstances will drive you to the point where divorce is the most desirable outcome for everyone. Even then, divorce represents a loss. Continue reading

October 2018 Astro-Energy Report

lifeSarah Varcas – October 2018 sees a square from Uranus to the moon’s nodes settling in for five months. This alliance speaks of both positive potential and risk. It may signify sweeping change that cultivates a more innovative and courageous attitude at a personal, local and global level. Or we may end up reacting to life’s challenges blind to their deeper significance, unwittingly retreating to intellectualised theories about the ‘right’ thing to do without embodying those beliefs in a ‘real-world’ way.

This relationship between Uranus and the nodes reminds us the future can hang on a single decision as much as it contains infinite potentialities. It affords us the power to impact many lives both near and far, and insists we respect this responsibility bestowed upon us.

Uranus is currently tying up loose ends in preparation for its final entry into Taurus in March 2019. It first entered Aries, the previous sign, in May 2010, since which there’s been a certain amount of leeway available for the more impulsive among us.

Aries is a fiery energy, fast to act, quick to change, always ready to begin something new. If the first decision didn’t work out let’s try this one, and that one. It doesn’t hang around for the long haul, trying to make something work that’s already crashed on the rocks of misguided impulse. And it doesn’t hold our mistakes against us! Continue reading

Friday, April 20 – Sunday, April 22, 2018

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere

Moon in Gemini/moves to Cancer at 10:27 am ET/2:27 pm UT

Big weekend, big report

black moonLaura Walker – The Sun has moved into Taurus, discharging the refreshing energy of “a clear mountain stream” on Friday.  The direction, answer, or information becomes clear if we are willing to follow where the “changes in the stream” are taking us.  Allowing room to change course is advised.

The Moon is moving into Cancer, squaring all of the planets in Aries, and opposing all of the planets in Capricorn: Saturn, Mars, Pluto, and, yes, the Black Moon.  We have Black Moon Days this weekend.

We prepare ourselves for intensity, knowing all the while that the events that happen and the things that come to light are all in service to rebirth and renaissance.  The Black Moon rebirths. Continue reading

Full Moon Rising – Heart Alignment

relationshipMystic MammaFull moon in Libra is giving us all the feels.  As always Libra teaches us about right relationship to everything in our lives.

At this particular time, in this Year of Dog with all the planetary action at play and Mercury Retrograde, we are being asked to bring the focus inward and  gaze deeply into the mirror of Self so we can truly come into right  relationship with all our relations.

There is so much that is out of balance coming up for reflection for each of us on many levels.

Being conscious is being aware of the impact our actions have on others.

We are all in relationship and our actions have rippling effects, whether we are aware of it or not. Continue reading

Types Of Soulmates You’ll Meet Before You Die

Dylan Harper – Do soulmates really exist? It’s a crazy idea that there is a single person out there who is perfect for us — not just someone who is our supporter and life-long companion, soulmatebut a special someone who can make us feel whole again, who enriches our spirit and takes us to a whole new level.

While we all crave that oft-elusive kindred spirit, we may not be aware that there are actually several types. These confidantes will reflect not only the beautiful aspects of our nature, but also the darker recesses of our souls. Indeed, a soulmate is a reflection of us — what we see in them is actually ourselves, or what we would like to be. And each type will help you slowly reveal the layers of your spirit, and guide you towards finding the ultimate soulmate…

The Friend Soulmate

The friend soul is the most common type of soulmate connection. These are the friends we choose and who choose us. We feel at ease and our spirits lay bare with them.

They are the people you share similar interests with. Whether it’s a friendship formed around your same taste in music or a strong dislike for something (or someone), friend souls will get along most of the time. Continue reading