Weekly Forecast: December 5 – 11, 2021

12/6 – Mars (desire & action) sextile Pluto (purification & transformation)

energyKelly M Beard – This is lower will meets Higher Will ~ within you! Mars is your inner Masculine and therefore helps you take action & make choices according to who you are and what you want. Pluto will ensure that you come from the purest place within (Soul-level), which often entails a cleansing of the non-essential and over-growth of the last cycle first.

Luckily, this is not a “hard/bad” activation but an opportunity to connect with what you really want, at the deepest Soul-level, which will naturally lead to whatever is blocking that and its ultimate release. Keep in mind that those who are more out-of-touch with who they are and what they want tend to explode & implode when Mars & Pluto get together, even in a positive aspect like this one. Continue reading

A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation

new moonHenry Seltzer – This month has the distinction of many aspects pointing toward the ongoing Eris-Pluto square at the 24-degree mark of Aries and Capricorn, supported at the time of the September 6th New Moon by Jupiter in the same degree of Aquarius, Mars at the same 24-degree mark of Virgo, and Venus- Haumea at 25 and 27 degrees of Libra. Meanwhile, the New Moon takes place at 14 Virgo 38 while Uranus resides at 14 Taurus 40, a mere 2 minutes of a degree away from a perfect trine.

That trine aspect from the New Moon to Uranus might be considered supportive, but with Uranus involved, anything goes. We might therefore look for surprising events and startling revelations on the way to this month’s massive structural transformation, as symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn remaining in that T-square with Eris in Aries opposed to Venus- Haumea in Libra.

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Team Building Activity

team buildingEvery person has been in a large group where they needed to get to know the other people. This could be for school, for work, for a family gathering, or meeting new friends. You want to be able to connect with people without it being awkward. A lot of times conversations can lull or it can be hard to start them at all. So how do you get to learn and grow with the people around you?

Team building activities might be the answer for you. You might be thinking that this sounds clinical or like it won’t work, but team building activities don’t have to be boring or forced. In fact, team building activity are often the key to learning more deep subjects about the people around you and learning things from them that you may never have been able to before.

Escape Rooms

The objective of a breakoutIQ escape room is simple – get out of the room.

Of course, it isn’t quite that simple because these rooms are filled with hidden keys, riddles, clues and puzzles. This type of game builds teamwork by utilizing a variety of individual skill and knowledge sets. All team members work together to obtain a mutually-wanted goal. In addition, escape rooms get teams communicating and talking about the issues or objects in the room, thereby facilitating problem-solving, cooperation, and honesty.

Question Games

Try out question games if you really want to get to know people. A lot of times questions games can be fun, entertaining, and allow all parties the chance to speak equally so every voice gets heard. Not only will everyone have a chance to share, but many times conversations can be built off of these simple question games that can lead into real conversations instead of trying to just force small talk to occur.

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Message for February 2021

Lee-AnneFebruary Peters – It’s February – so I bring to you my message for this new month.

I trust this finds you and your family happy and well, and if not, I send you waves of love and strength to help you through this time. I trust you find some comfort and support within this.

Well January has been quite the rollercoaster month on many levels – but especially emotionally and within some unstable, and perhaps unhealthy relationships. There have been many clashes throughout January, however there have also been many beautiful moments, reconciliations and reconnections.

At times we may have felt that we were trying to sail through the oceans of life – with no sail up to catch the wind. When we managed to find the storage compartment that contained the sail, it was ripped and we had to drop everything to repair, create or to be of assistance. Continue reading

Sail Through Life With a Cosmic Perspective

lifePaul Bonea – It’s so easy to be sidetracked in life and miss the bigger picture, to look at what others have achieved and wonder, “What have I done this whole time?” But all feelings of inadequacy you experience are caused by losing yourself in the minutia of human life: the race be more productive, more successful, to get ahead.

Sure, those things are important, but only to a point. If you concentrate on them too much, you risk ignoring the forest for the trees. You’ll feel guilty for not being as successful as you dreamed to be, envious of people who are, or bitter if you put in the work and sweat, but things don’t seem to click.

If that happens, stop a minute. Zoom out, and look at the bigger picture:

Your own life is a miracle. At the moment, we do not know for sure if complex lifeforms (meaning bacteria and above) exist on other planets. As far as intelligent life goes, the odds can be as low as 1 in 100,000,000 planets (maybe even lower).

Viewed on a cosmic scale, the existence of a single human, you, is wondrous.

But what makes this even better, is that you are not a single wonder. As you are reading this, 7 billion other souls are breathing the same air as you, to say nothing of all the other living beings on our planet. Continue reading