Team Building Activity

team buildingEvery person has been in a large group where they needed to get to know the other people. This could be for school, for work, for a family gathering, or meeting new friends. You want to be able to connect with people without it being awkward. A lot of times conversations can lull or it can be hard to start them at all. So how do you get to learn and grow with the people around you?

Team building activities might be the answer for you. You might be thinking that this sounds clinical or like it won’t work, but team building activities don’t have to be boring or forced. In fact, team building activity are often the key to learning more deep subjects about the people around you and learning things from them that you may never have been able to before.

Escape Rooms

The objective of a breakoutIQ escape room is simple – get out of the room.

Of course, it isn’t quite that simple because these rooms are filled with hidden keys, riddles, clues and puzzles. This type of game builds teamwork by utilizing a variety of individual skill and knowledge sets. All team members work together to obtain a mutually-wanted goal. In addition, escape rooms get teams communicating and talking about the issues or objects in the room, thereby facilitating problem-solving, cooperation, and honesty.

Question Games

Try out question games if you really want to get to know people. A lot of times questions games can be fun, entertaining, and allow all parties the chance to speak equally so every voice gets heard. Not only will everyone have a chance to share, but many times conversations can be built off of these simple question games that can lead into real conversations instead of trying to just force small talk to occur.

Doing question games can eliminate any potential awkwardness and allow everyone in the group the ability to not get talked over. Many times shy people can be left in the dust, so this is a great way to stop the conversation from getting monopolized. It is also a key factor in the fact that people who wouldn’t necessarily gravitate towards each other are forced to speak. This can stop cliques from being formed and also allow for the progression of new ideas to flow.

When people that differ from each other get to know each other, some of the best and creative ideas can begin to flourish because they are introducing new material to each other. Doing games like this allows so many good things to occur, there really is no reason not to play it!

Overall, team building activities can go a long way in building relationships and trust between people as well as allow everyone a chance to get to know each other. If you are looking to make sure that everyone has a chance to speak, diverse thoughts are shared, and people to interact, than try using question games and other creative team building activities to achieve the connections that you are looking for.

Never again do you have to deal with awkward conversations and forced speak with people you don’t really know. Take the initiative and try team building exercises today to get the kind of results you want to see within your group so you can get to know each other and work together even better than you ever thought you could.

Shift Frequency © 2017 – Team Building Activity

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