Unified Spiritual Awareness

godAA Michael – The winds of change are blowing strongly within your inner and outer worlds, and you often feel you are being tumbled about by the winds of fate. You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload. Everything is changing so rapidly in your world that you can no longer depend on what was considered to be the norm, and there is such a plethora of new information that it is difficult to know what to believe. Old concepts are being updated and the philosophies of the Eastern and Western worlds are blending as higher expanded truths are being presented for your learning as humanity strives to become spiritual adults and masters of their destiny.

There are many paths to en-lighten-ment and many variations and levels of the truth; however, the universal laws and Creator truth are immutable. There are essential truths in every religion, and if you strip away the dogma, man-made superstitions and limitations, you will find they all contain more similarities than differences. Instead of criticizing or condemning the beliefs of others, would it not be better to seek a common ground of understanding?

The majority of humanity does not have a clue about the origins or major beliefs of other religions, and yet there is condemnation of all beliefs that are not one’s own. The core cause of all the wars of the past, and the wars that are presently raging around the world are based on conflicting religious beliefs−how sad and how futile. There can be no winners; everyone loses in the rage and fury for supremacy that is rampant on Earth.

I have asked my messenger to research and give you a condensed synopsis of some of the similarities and the differences between the Eastern and the Western world views, as well as a condensed overview of the major religions of the world, past and present. It is important that you understand the customs and beliefs of your brothers and sisters around the world if you are to move forward on the path of reunification and harmony. Continue reading

American Bishop Explains How Religion Is ‘Made Up’ & Used To Control People

Arjun Walia – Religion is a controversial topic, and I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not my aim to belittle or diminish anyone’s beliefs. My problem is not with faith but with religion as an organization, which has been used as a means of control, to pit people against each other, and to incite terror and war. Religion in this context serves the purposes of many various global elitist agendas.


Religion is also confusing, to say the least; within several different religions exist different ‘sects,’ each with their own teachings and version of the ‘truth’ and how to live one’s life. Within Christianity alone, there are multiple versions of the Bible, and teachings that contradict one another. What one religion says in one part of the world may directly oppose what another says in a different part of the world. This alone is a recipe for feelings of confusion and isolation for anybody who is seeking ‘the truth.’ If various religions preach different ways of life and truths, they all can’t be correct, can they? I guess that’s why they call it faith.

Below is a video of Jon Shelby Sponge, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church, discussing these problems. He argues that religion is a business and it is used as a control mechanism (and he’s not the first insider to do so). We can see this happening most clearly in the rise of Islamophobia. Islam has been turned into a scapegoat, a target at which we can direct all our fears and anger, and an excuse to invade other countries and create a more intense global national security state. But the truth is, Islam has nothing to do with violence or terrorism. These manufactured fears are all part and parcel of ‘false flag’ terrorism, which you can read more about here if you are unfamiliar with the concept.

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Two Subjects Nobody Wants To Discuss – Religion And Politics

islamKatherine Frisk – Religion and politics are two sides of the same coin. They always have been. Below I am going to focus on the political implications of Judaism, Christianity and Islam taking the current situation in the Middle East as an example.

On the one side we have the Zionists who have supported the ISIL terrorists on the Golan Heights and have been demanding that Iran is bombed into the stone age. The CIA and private mercenaries like Blackwater now called Xe, who answer to the Vatican who have trained ISIS and fight alongside them. Both are supported by the Sunni Royal family who funds the extremest Wahabbi groups, the incubator for ISIL, known as the terrorists who now run rampant across Iraq and Syria.

religionOn the other side we have the Torah Jews who do not follow the Babylonian Talmud and who have always had good relations with Iran going back to Cyrus the Great who Isaiah saw as a Messiah who liberated Israel from the Babylonians. The Syrians, Russians, Iraqis and the Iranians who are fighting ISIS are Orthodox Christians, Shiite and Sunni Muslims and a number of other groups that are affiliated with them. The Aliwites and Yazidis being two.

Oil, pipelines and gas aside, the divisions between the two groups who both consist of Jews, Christians and Muslims is deeply rooted in the religious texts of all three and these texts in turn have political implications.


Israel was founded by Joshua of the tribe of Ephraim. He established a federation of states known as the twelve tribes. These tribes were ruled by a Judiciary.  Joshua was not crowned as a king. He was ordained as a Judge. The Covenant meant that there could be no king, which led to idol worship, only the law and the judiciary. The objective was Justice, Truth and Equality. Continue reading

The Virus Of Religion: An Ancient War On Human Consciousness

religionKarlos Kukuburra – So you thought you wanted enlightenment? Thought that life would be all peachy and smooth sailing when the veils of illusion were lifted? Those who have become ‘dis-illusioned’ — and haven’t slid back into denial after seeing what was on the other side, or run in the opposite direction with their first taste of ‘enlightenment’ — realize that waking up is hard work!

So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.

The realization that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of inner turmoil to arise: utter dismay, a sense of humiliation, and a resulting backlash from friends and family who continually (and unconsciously) attempt to pull you back in line with the accepted ‘mainstream’ group think. In this process of breaking free from the enslavement of human consciousness, if you don’t have days where you completely question your sanity, I would suggest that you aren’t really waking up. Here is the only piece of advice that reflects the truth of this process: Get used to it!

There is no use asking agents of the Matrix to validate the truth of your awakening, for you will only end up being diagnosed and medicated. You are simply becoming sane in an insane world. Now, more than ever, it is time for those who have already lifted these veils of deception to assist others who need the ‘survival’ band-aid ripped off quickly. A considerably-revised history lesson with regards to our true human origins is in order for the majority of humanity. Access the information, educate yourself, grab the sword of truth, and start swinging. Continue reading