Beyond Paracas: Humanoid Remains Found In Cusco, Peru

WakeUpWorld  May 3 2014

AlienSkullCuscoPeru2It is yet to be known how old and whether or not the body described below belongs to an alien race or is a different human species (which would both be significant since neither are present in history books) until the sample of this strange skeleton can be carbon dated and a DNA test done. But based on what I see, I can tell with great certainty that whoever it is, he or she does not look like my neighbor.

It was a regular morning when I was invited to explore the surroundings of Cusco during my first month after moving to Peru in April 2009. It was a friend of mine who took me around to see some interesting stones in one of the local museums in Huaru near Cusco.

Even though my curiosity was well ignited, more so, I was glad to shatter my loneliness which had become my first friend in Peru.

Visiting the museum was quite impressive. The echo of the ancient world was heard among the unusual stones. Among other things, there were two items, which attracted my attention most in that moment. One of them was a stone which made different sounds when knocked on with another stone. Playing it like a drum, I was naturally trying to understand the phenomena. Then leaving the concert behind, I moved to another stone which was about three foot long and appeared to be perfectly drilled through.

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