Breakdown of Important Segments [Audio]

Bix Weir – My weekly Hump Day collaboration with “V” The Guerilla Economist is becoming one of the most popular alternative media weekly shows out there and I’m very happy about that. It’s time that the curtain is pulled back exposing that the “Great and Powerful OZ” is just a couple Geeks in the basement of the US Treasury and at the NY Fed clicking away on their mouse pads to rig the Global Financial System at their whim.

Our latest interview was a doozy with some very important segments that I have broken out by time below. If you don’t have time to listen to the entire interview just skip ahead to the part you want (or need) to hear.

NOTE: I would highly suggest that you listen to the parts about SECRET SILVER and the new Bitcoin Ruling as an understanding of those 2 items NOW will significantly increase your wealth over the next few WEEKS!

1:00 Deutsche Bank Derivative Implosion Continue reading