Britain And The Revenge Of The Technocrats

John Gray – The point about these people is they’ve learned nothing. There’s no practical way of going back to before 2016. Already in 2016, the world hadn’t fully recovered from a near catastrophic financial crisis which these adults in the room, these extremely intelligent men and women, had given us.

The halcyon period of technocratic competence included, going back to the start, long-term capital management melting down in 1998, after Russia defaulted on its debt. That was patched up but it also began what later was called quantitative easing …

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Deep State Villainy Thwarts Brexit

Deep State Villainy Thwarts BrexitJ. B. Shurk – Looks like Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum officially usurped the United Kingdom’s independence with the ascension of investment banker Rishi Sunak, a committed globalist and devotee of the WEF’s dark arts, to the position of prime minister.  Oh, how the Davos Devils must be laughing today!

When the British people voted to leave the European Union back in the summer of 2016, there was great rejoicing among freedom fighters both inside and outside the U.K. who find global schemes of government not only antithetical to citizens’ inherent right to national self-determination, but also the surest path toward statist tyranny.

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