The Wave of Awakening in Nature

The Return of the (Divine) Masculine Principle in Nature

The Wave of Awakening in NatureCelia Fenn – Beloved Family, March 2023 will be a month of powerful energies and creative forces on the Planet. There will be many potent and unexpected events in both personal and public life around the 15th of March and the Equinox at the 20th March. Also, your Solar Cycle 25 will continue to produce multiple Solar Flares and some X Class flares that will further intensify the swirling Water Plasma Codes that were introduced in February.

These energies are (re)awakening the active Masculine Principle in Nature, represented by Uranus in Taurus at this time. It is an intense electrical energy that flows through the natural world bringing active creation and power. This began in February with the massive earthquake in Turkiye, which is one of several zero point seed stations for the Planet. Continue reading