Secular Humanism’s Assault on Liberty

SartreThe most endangered concept and foundation of the American Republic is LIBERTY. The entire validity and purpose of government is to advance and protect individual natural rights. Natural law is the only supreme canon to base government upon and organize society. Our common law tradition rests upon natural law.  Western civilization’s essence is intrinsic in the inherent autonomy of each human being. Our universal nature  bestowed from God. Life is not an accident, but is a gift. Christian ethics, values and teachings are synonymous with the founding of our nation. Thomas Jefferson states, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.” (A Summary View of the Rights of British America).

natural lawAmerica’s creation originated as one nation under God. In spite of this fact, today the United States are no longer one nation. The vast majority claim to be Christians; however, the government that controls their lives is solidly anti-Christian which professes a secular humanism standard that mirrors a hedonistic relativism culture. Liberty is incongruent within this environment.

John MacArthur makes an important observation, “It is important to understand that the moral law of God hasn’t changed–nor has the believer’s obligation to it. The moral law is still binding. The doctrine about freedom was difficult for the Jewish people to accept. Because the teaching of Christian liberty posed a threat to their religious system, some of the Jews accused Paul of being antinomian. They assumed Paul was teaching that Christians had the liberty to do anything they wanted”.

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