The Shift Within: Transformative Effects of Eclipse Energies

The Shift Within: Transformative Effects of Eclipse EnergiesAilia Mira – In the wake of the eclipse cycle, many of us are still feeling the energies + working with what these transits brought up.

How are you doing?!

This was the strongest energy that I have ever felt in an eclipse cycle. It also seemed very pointed in the way it affected me. Eclipse always bring things up that are ripe for change, but this Eclipse Cycle felt more keenly associated with the evolution of our consciousness.

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The Power of Empowerment

The Power of EmpowermentJennifer Hoffman – I had never really met anyone who was truly not empowered until I hosted a coaching program in Kansas City for women leaving prison. I had offered the program to an organization that provide re-integration services for these women, some of whom had been in prison for decades.

The experiences I had with them, the transformation I saw in them, and the results of providing them with information on how to be empowered was inspiring and very fulfilling. If you do not think being empowered is important, you’ll understand why it has been a focus of my work for 20 years when you read or listen to this article. Continue reading

AA Michael November 2023 Message

Archangel Michael November 2023 MessageAA Michael – Beloved Masters: Shall we gaze into the future —your future— and see what is in store for you over these coming months and years? These are the most important times you will ever spend on planet Earth.

The decisions you make now, or the energies you radiate out from you to create the force field within which you live, will determine your reality and how quickly you will move deeper and more fully into the energies of the New Age.

It is time to decide whether you will move forward on the spiral of ascension through the gift of the life process or through the old energies of the death process. Continue reading

Being In Flow – A New Era

Being In FlowIam Saums – In March 2020, we were given a remarkable opportunity to shift the paradigm of human being, expression and existence. A manmade virus infected us with widespread fear, driving us deeper into social and political anxiety, division, enslavement, judgment and isolation.

We took the bait; hook, line and sinker, never questioning the artificiality besieging us. Amidst it all, the opportunity was to observe, distinguish and sever our conditioned dependence upon social reality. Alignment and relativity with our heart, intuition and soul was ever-present, expressed within the resonance of a universal energetic shift humanity had ever experienced. Continue reading

July 2023 Energy Report

July 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – It’s a new month and a whole new vibe. Don’t let July’s many retrogrades fool you into thinking it’s going to be a slow month. It isn’t.

This is another action packed, full month with a few twists that include more revelations and truth bombs, calls to action, and the potential for real harmony with a lovely ongoing Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo. The sign change for the nodes brings the fireworks to the party and strong Pluto action all month continues the excavation of the dark for the light. Continue reading