Set Yourself Free

lifeOwen K Waters – Back in the Middle Ages in Europe, the popular path towards spirituality was to become a monk or a nun. Monasteries and convents were well funded as their local populations were compelled by law to, not only attend church on Sundays, but also to donate 10 percent of their incomes to the church.

Monks and nuns took vows which relieved them of the distractions of having to make a living. They took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Freed from the distractions of laboring for pay or supporting a family, they were able to spend many hours per day in worship and contemplation. The obedience part of the vow was thrown in for good measure because it suited those in charge.

The problem is that, once a vow is taken, it becomes stored in your subconscious mind which, unlike your physical brain, lives on after death and reincarnates with your spirit into each new life. Continue reading

Soren Dreier ~ ‘Get A Little Bit Of Bourbon In Ya’

“Basically it’s not about faking it, but learning to become real and to understand: I’m here to manifest my Self – the best way I can.” S Dreier

RetroGirlI try to find good articles for my readers so I spend some time every day looking for them.

Several times this week I ran into Lana Del Ray, so I took that as a hint to find out who she was and what her music was about.

It can be very hard to find creative and deep music these days, since it all sounds more or less the same to me.

Del Ray has a very distinct ‘wall of sound’ signature and some surprising – disturbing lyrics.
She twists her ‘retro-woman’ that resembles pin-up photos from the 50ties and 60ties, with urban slang 2014. Its not: ‘Good girl gone bad’. It’s more: ‘There’s more to me than catches the eyes or ears.’

The deep melancholic toning of her voice is very special.

The video Cruel World should state both the subtleness and the fierce feminine side.

The lyrics are very interesting, since she obviously is very hurt over her boyfriends leaving her, but she doesn’t fall into the victim trap.

She says: ‘I’m the best’ and also states between the lines: ‘You might have left me, but you’re the one hurting here, since I know how good I am.’

Very self-empowered. It’s his loss, not hers. Even though she expresses hurt and punishes him with her words.

‘Get a little bourbon in ya and go crazy’ is a liberating statement. Continue reading